Dristan had brought the plans for his home to me, showing me where he was determined to start building. He hadn’t shown them to Pen yet, but I knew that she’d be seeing them long before construction started. Her opinion was the most important thing to him.
He was working on building his case, but I didn’t think he needed to bother. Pen had grown up in a small town, andwhile she liked the opportunities Grebath had presented to her, she would mention the small school she’d attended with such longing in her voice that evenIfelt it.
I glanced over at Zara, knowing that one day I’d be talking to her about building our own clan-home here. It was big enough that our growing clan could each have a home here.
Living on land that we could protect, training our younglings together and teaching them the way that our ancestors would be proud of.
Zara was looking out over the wide-open space, a smile playing on her luscious lips, and I felt that pang in my chest that I always had when I looked at her. My mate was beautiful and perfect. Everything I’d ever want in this world.
“This is nice,” Tabitha told me with a slap on my back. “Enough space that we don’t have to worry about anyone getting caught in the crosshairs of our spells. And nowhere for them to hide.”
“Cowards,” Rok growled and Dristan grunted his agreement.
Krusk, Savla and Enka were standing on the peripheries, ensuring that nothing could sneak up behind us. The other witches were gathered in a circle nearby, their hands connected as they blessed the soil we were about to battle on.
More than once, I spotted Enka’s gaze trailing in their direction, his brow furrowed in a contemplative expression before he looked away.
“I feel something,” Zara said, her head lifting toward the sky before she spun in a slow circle. “He’s looking for me.”
Everything inside of me stiffened. This fucking asshole was searching formy mate. And I was going to kill him.
“Let him,” Tabitha whispered, spinning as well, and I sent a sharp glance in her direction. She sent me an amused smile. “That’s why we’re here, Rudgar. We have to face them, once and for all. They’re never going to hurt Zara or any of her children ever again.”
I shook off my unwarranted aggression, nodding in agreement. This was about Zara. And our future younglings. I couldn’t let myself be distracted by any other thought. I was going to protect my family, and no one was going to get in my way.
The chanting of the females behind us grew louder, a deep pulse moving under us, as if the ground was accepting us. Confused, I lowered my head and I saw a small movement under me. Tendrils of grass curled up from the soil, twining over my shoes, as if embracing me.
“There,” Zara gasped, finger moving to the left, where a fuzzy portal was growing. My lips parted on a feral growl as I saw figures beginning to form through it.
Everyone stayed where they were, our plan having been put in place. “You all know what to do,” Dristan growled.
Rok, Krusk, Savla and Enka pulled their axes out of the sheaths they were wearing. Dristan and I pulled our guns—well-trained and well-practiced in using them.
The witches lifted their palms—all glowing purple, while Zara drew her wand, her own purple glow suffusing the air around her entire body.
The males that stepped from the portal were exactly what I expected. A group of warlocks who had their swords already drawn as they exited. They eyed our group, sneers crossing their faces.
The last male to exit—the melodramatic prick—did so as if he was stepping onto the set of a movie, his blond hair flowing in the wind and the staff that he carried bashing down into the ground for dramatic effect. It didn’t take a genius to figure out who Veron was.
The self-important fuckhead who’s pretending to be some kind of historical hero.
The portal stayed open behind them as Veron lifted his chin and surveyed his surroundings. It was everything I could do tonot roll my eyes, glancing at Dristan whose eyebrows were raised in my direction as if to say,
Him? This can’tpossiblybe the guy everyone’s been worried about.
And while I was inclined to agree, I knew that my female was the most powerful witch I knew. If he’d somehow been able to capture her and keep her hostage, then there was more to him than we were seeing.
“Zara, this is foolish,” Veron called from where he stood, his gaze locking in on her, and I felt every protective instinct inside of me rise to the forefront. “Give up this ridiculous endeavor and return with me.”
“Who the fuck saysendeavor?” Dristan scoffed, and I hid a smile.
Zara didn’t even flinch. “In your dreams, fuckhead,” she called, raising her wand and allowing her power to pulse through the air around us.
I grinned, prouder than I’d ever been in my life. My female wasglorious. Her power was dripping from every pore, filling the air around us with an electric crackle that felt safe and warm.
“If you come back with me now, I’ll spare your coven and these filthy orcs you’ve sided with,” Veron returned, the air pulsing aroundhimwith a magick that was oppressive, sending a chill up my spine.
Whatever kind of magick he was wielding, there was an evil tinge to it. Something oily and cloying that clung to you like it would stay and give you nightmares. I clenched my jaw, fighting against the impulsive need to turn around and retreat.