Page 63 of Guarded By the Orc

“The same thing I’d do if anything happened to you,” she murmured, her lips moving against the bare skin of my chest. “I can’t stand it either. But we’ll be fine. I have this, Rud, I promise. I can take him. The premonition scared me. It was like I was back there, trapped and helpless.” She shook her head, looking up at me with a fury inside of her that was a reflection of my own. “I’m ready. I know it. Being here with you… with my coven. IknowI can.”

“I know you can take him,” I said, pulling away so she could see the sincerity in my gaze. “But I don’t trust him to play fair.”

Her smile was tiny as she stroked her fingers through my hair, giving me a tiny, almost imperceptible nod. “Neither do I.”

The hesitant knock on the door was what woke me. I peeked over at Zara, who was sprawled magnificently over my chest, a line of drool puddled on my skin and a snore leaving her with each breath while her hair was a complete mess. Adoration filled me at the sight.

I nuzzled my face against her unruly hair before tilting. She moaned, clutching me closer and refusing to wake up. I smiled, stroking a hand down her cheek as I lay her on the bed.

She snuggled into the blankets, but opened her eyes and peered up at me.

“Where’re you going?” she asked in a voice husky with sleep.

My cock decided to take this moment to beg me to stay in bed.

“Someone’s at the door,” I murmured to her, lowering myself until I was at her level and then kissing the hand she held out to me. “I’ll be right back.”

It didn’t take more than that for her to pull the blankets overher head as she went back to sleep. I snorted out a laugh, standing and heading toward the door, tugging on a pair of sweatpants on my way.

Opening the door, I saw Savla standing there, his hand raising as if contemplating another knock. The relief in his gaze made me smile. He thumped his hand over his heart.

“How can I help, brother?” I asked, repeating the gesture.

“I finished Zara’s wand,” he told me, holding his hand out to me, and my eyes widened as I stared down at the carved and polished masterpiece. It was a delicate wand with intricate spirals in the light wood.

“She’s going to love it,” I told him, already knowing it would be true and I saw his eyes duck, lowering to the floor.

“It’s the least I can do for her,” he told me, shrugging as if it was no big deal.

“Wait here,” I said, turning to go to my mate, pulling a dress from our bedroom closet to take to her. “Sleepyhead, wake up,” I crooned, pulling the blankets off of her.

She harrumphed, sitting up and looking at me with a glare, but I wasn’t deterred.

“Savla’s here,” I explained. “And he has something for you.”

Her lips parted and a squeal left her as she shuffled happily, jumping off the bed at once. I had to snatch her to stop her from running outside naked. She wiggled with joy in my arms as I dressed her and dropped a kiss on her head.

She ran after that, rushing to where I knew Savla was waiting for her. I followed at a much more sedate pace, grinning as she threw her arms around him. He stared at me, as if asking if it was okay to hug her back, and I nodded.

This male was a brother to my Zara. Someone she treasured and considered a member of her family—our clan. I was never going to stop her from showing her affection to her family.

“I couldkissyou, Savla,” she laughed, and my brow furrowed.

Well not quitethatfar.

I snatched her back into my arms as she admired the wand, shaking her head in awe.

“This is beautiful,” she breathed. “I love it so much. You’re a fantastic artist.”

His bashful expression as he cleared his throat told me he was going to try to run away.

“I’ll send the payment to your account, Savla, thank you,” I told him and his brow furrowed as he shook his head.

“I made it for Zara as a gift. I didn’t—” he started, but I shook my head.

“A masterpiece like that deserves payment,” I told him and he scratched the back of his neck. “Thank you.”

Swallowing hard, he nodded before running off. My mate turned to me, her lips curved in a sweet smile.