“And you’remine,” she whispered, running her fingers through my beard and then moved them to my tusks, holding me still so she could kiss me. Euphoria spun inside me at the feel of her holding me still. I’d never understood the draw of a female gripping our tusks until I’d met Zara.
Then I’d realized that I’d allow my female to drag me around the entire world by my tusks and I’d be deliriously happy while she did. It meant that she felt safe with me. I wasn’t a threat to her. In her mind we were equals and that was all I’d ever wanted.
I’d been intimidating females since I was young. Too large and muscular when all I wanted was to protect them. My mother had assured me that I would find my female one day, but I hadn’t believed her.
Until now.
I held my precious mate against me, and there wasn’t a glimmer of anything but love in her eyes. I moved us, settling her next to me on the chaise and then lifting the cloche off of the tray of foods I’d had prepared for us.
“Oh, you’re trying to get laid,” she gasped, her eyes widening as she saw the display of chocolate, candy and cakes I’d revealed. It hadn’t taken long for me to realize that she had a sweet tooth,and I was going to use it to my seductive advantage.
“I’malwaystrying to get laid,” I explained, running a tusk against her jaw and neck. “Every moment I’m not buried inside that sweet pussy is a travesty.”
Her gasp against my lips was the most delicious sound as I kissed her. She tackled me, but wasn’t strong enough to push me to lie down. She grunted as she shoved, but I wasn’t moving an inch.
She stopped sucking on my tongue long enough to pull away and glare. “Why aren’t you letting me win this wrestling match?” she asked, as if it was a given that I would always let her win.
And yes, that’s totally true.
“I want you to eat first,” I explained, knowing my eyes were probably glowing with lust as I licked my lips. “Ilovewatching you eat.”
“Oh, you want to picture me sucking your cock,” she said in a low, seductive tone and I nodded, unable to deny it as I throbbed like a prepubescent male in my pants.
“Okay,” she sighed with a shrug, rolling her eyes as she turned back to dip a fork into the moist chocolate cake, the gooey ganache leaving a smear on the white plate. She licked her lips as she lifted the fork to them.
I groaned as she took the bite into her mouth, pulling it out slowly, the clean, gleaming metal sending a shiver down my spine.
“If you want a first-hand show of cock sucking, Rud,” she said with a wink as she moved closer. “I can give it to you.”
“This isn’t about sex, Gul-ar,” I whispered, even as my cock disagreed. “This is about fulfilling your needs. Making sure you’re sated in every single way.”
Her eyes softened and she leaned into me, lifting a bite of cake to my lips. “I’ll only be satisfied when you are.”
I almost choked on the fucking cake when she took themoment to rub her palm up my thigh to cup my balls.
“And you feel soneedy. Satisfaction is only a few licks away,” she murmured, swiping her tongue across my throat.
“You’ll be the death of me,” I told her, my hips rocking against her hand of their own volition.
“What a way to go, though,” she giggled, and I couldn’t stop the chuckle that left my chest. Turning us so she was settled between my legs, I hand-fed her the cake, adoring my female with every bite. I pressed kisses to her face, surrounded her with my heat and ensured that she was as comfortable as possible.
I ignored every time she tried to seduce me—but I was certain I was cutting off the circulation to my cock by keeping it trapped in my pants.
“This is the best date,” she said in a quiet voice, and I loved hearing it. There was something in her tone. Something that told me she was happy.
“I’m glad,” I whispered, giving her the last bite of the chocolate-dipped strawberries that had accompanied the cake. She took the time to swipe her tongue over my fingers and it was everything I could do to not toss her down onto the chaise and give her the cock she’d been begging for this entire time.
I took a deep breath, struggling for control, and tugged the blanket off of the back of the chaise instead, moving back until she was lying between my legs and we were cuddled in each other’s arms.
We looked out at the bright skyline for a few minutes, and when she turned slightly, tilting her gorgeous face up to mine, I leaned down to kiss her. It was slow and intimate, filled with the love that we felt for each other.
Gods, to have this female in my arms every day.
I needed it. With every part of my body. And I was going to find a way to kill Veron so I could have her.
The heat grew in slow increments, as our kiss spiraled deeper.Soon we were panting, our hands roving. My fingers found her nipple in her bra and gave it a firm tug.
With a small sound, filled with need and lust, she turned in my arms, her hands coming up to twine in my hair. When she’d straddled me, I pulled the blanket around her and she used the cover of it to tug her blouse and bra off. I groaned low in my throat, murmuring prayers of gratitude as I lowered my head to suck a nipple into my mouth.