Page 46 of Guarded By the Orc

I nodded. “And my coven,” I said. He tipped my chin up with his thumb, cupping my face in his huge palm.

“Your covenispart of our clan, Gul-ar,” he whispered, making sure that my gaze was meeting his. “You’re the High Priestessand you’re my mate. That makes you and your coven part of us.”

I reached up to grip his thick wrist in my hands.

“Okay,” I whispered and he leaned down to press his warm lips to mine.

“We’re standing right here,” Enka said, his arms crossed over his chest.

“I know that,” Rudgar rolled his eyes. “And since we’re talking about clans, as the junior members, get your asses out of my face and go explore the fucking cave.”

With grunts, they turned and marched off, muttering amongst themselves as a peal of laughter left me.

“Love you guys,” I called, and they waved back, continuing to mutter as Rudgar pulled me into another kiss.

“There’s something else,” I gasped, running my fingers through the thick, silky strands of his hair, my lips at his ear.

“Mmm,” he moaned, pressing me against the wall of the cave—that was somehow warmer than I thought it should be. “Tell me.”

“The curse doesn’t work here,” I peered up at him from under my lashes, and I saw the exact second that my meaning penetrated the lust-filled haze he was in. He went perfectly still, staring down at me.

“W-what are you saying?” he asked, lifting me higher so I was at his eye-level, my legs wrapped around his waist.

I leaned forward to lick my way into his mouth and he groaned, squeezing my ass in his huge hands. I pulled away for a moment to whisper, “You’re going to fuck me tonight.”

His long, extended groan told me that he felt those words in his soul. Grinning, I bent my head to take a nip of his throat. “We need to get those fuckers out of here,” he murmured, pinning me against the wall again, his hands clenching my wrists hard and holding me still.

“Sorry, weren’t you the one going on and on about aclanamoment ago? And how important they were—” I cut myself off with a laugh as he snapped his fangs in front of my face, the threat non-existent.

“Enough out of you, Gul-ar. All I want to hear from you now are screams and my name on your tongue,” he whispered, rocking his hips against me and making my eyes cross in my head.

“We’re going to have to be quiet,” I moaned, the back of my head pressing hard into the stone wall. “But I don’t know if I can be.”

His grin was feral as he turned to move toward the back of the main cave area. I gaped at what came into view. Around a bend was a steaming hot spring.

Fuck yes, pool sex!

“Don’t bother us! Stay in there!” Rudgar yelled into the open mouth of a cavern as we passed, and the grumbles from inside told me that that was where the three males were.

“Very subtle,” I said with a grin, not caring if anyone knew I was going to ride this male until I passed out from exhaustion.

“I try to be,” he quipped, lowering me long enough to strip me from my clothes in a medal-worthy length of time. I was standing naked in front of him, his gaze sliding over me like a caress as he tossed his own clothes onto the pile.



“Do you swim?” Rudgar asked, peering down into the water.

I nodded, and that was all it took before he pushed me backward and I fell with a squawk. I sank into the water,lividthat he’d gotten my hair wet, and kicked up to the surface just as he joined me, his humongous body hitting the water and causing a splash that flattened my hair on my headagain.He wasdead.

I swam to him, mounting his head with my arms and trying to drag him under, but with a simple kick of his powerful legs, he kept us upright and my struggle was for nothing.

“Oh, no. If you dunk me, I dunkyou,” I told him, and with a short, pleased chuckle, he allowed me to shove him underwater.

It wasn’tnearlyas satisfying as I thought it would be, but as he rose to the surface, the water sluicing over his thick, shiny hair and down his perfect, muscled chest, I had to admit thatangerwasn’t the emotion I was feeling anymore.

“No dunking,” he whispered, as he pushed me backward untilmy ass met a shelf under that water where I could sit,justat the right height that I could keep my head above the water. He was having no problem, his arms settling on either side of me on the shelf, his gaze dipping below the water and letting me know that he could seeeverythingwhereas I could barely see his face in the darkness of the cave. “I’ll remember that for next time.”