Page 40 of Guarded By the Orc

“I’d like to watch as well,” Rok said with a shrug and a grin. “I’ve always been too busy fighting to give much attention to the finer arts of the clans. It would be my honor to watch a master craftsman at work.”

Savla’s eyes ducked and he shook his head. “I’m not a master—”

“That’s just because he hasn’t had a chance to be judged by his peers,” Krusk interrupted, beaming with pride. “Our father would have been able to take him, but when they died…” he trailed off with a shrug, losing some of the joy that had been in his voice before. “But I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if everyone wanted to watch.”

Savla turned incredulous, betrayed eyes his way, but Krusk ignored him, going back to eating his food with gusto.

“I’ll bring the spellbook to you if that’s okay,” Zara told him in a low voice, and I was certain that she sensed how uncomfortable he was. “My coven is still getting used to the idea of being around this many males,” she added with a small smile. “I don’t want to frighten them to death.”

Savla nodded his understanding before Enka leaned over him toward Zara.

“Are there any cute witches in your coven?” he asked in a low whisper.

My mate snorted out a laugh before nodding. “Super cute. All of them. Did you want me to introduce you?”

He contemplated it for a moment before shaking his head. “No,” he said with a sigh. “I’ll focus on getting used to this new plane and my new job before going back to the hunt for my mate.”

I grinned at him, since thenew jobwas working for me. “Are you settling in well? Are the others bothering you? They mean well, but sometimes they can come across aggressive.”

All three of the new males shook their heads at once. “Not at all. They’re helping us as much as they can. They’ve been great,” Enka assured me and I reminded myself to text the males that worked with me to thank them.

While I’d been preoccupied trying to woo my mate, they’d taken over the daily operations of my security firm, fulfilling the contracts that I already had in place while training these new males on their roles.

I made a mental note to give them a big bonus soon in thanks. While they’d complain about it—proud bastards that they were—they deserved it.

“What kind of tool do you need, Zar?” Enka asked, curiosity lighting his eyes.

“It’s a wand,” she said with a grin.

“A wand?” Pen asked, sitting up with eager interest. “Like the bippity-boppity-boo kind?”

Zara laughed, leaning against me as she held her hands out to emphasize her words and my heart melted in my chest at the trust she showed me with such ease now.

“Not quite. That was a bit long and thin. This will really just be for focusing my magick since it’s… well… explosive I suppose would be the best way to describe it,” she said with a bashful grin. “I’ve blown up more things than I care to admit.”

Becca and Pen laughed. “I’m going to need some stories and evidence,” Becca insisted and my mate’s laughter joined theirs.

She dove straight into a story about blowing up the table thatshe had been practicing on when she was six years old and I relaxed, running my palm over her back to keep us connected as she settled with ease into the clan that I had made my own.



Imade my way down to visit my coven, certain that they would have advice for me on what type of wood would be best suited for a wand. I was a little embarrassed to ask them. Most witches only used wands when they were children.

The training wand that I’d used was still back at the house, and I had no intention of putting anyone at risk to go get it. It was also child-sized, so I knew that I needed to have one made. I trusted Savla with that.

Hewasbeing modest. He made works-of-art. Every piece of furniture in the little cottage that they’d made for me was crafted by him. Each one had been lovingly carved by his masterful hands.

I was certain that he could make a name for himself in custom artisan pieces if he wanted to. For now, he might be happy to work with Rudgar’s company, but eventually the artist inside him would need a creative outlet. When he needed it, I wouldhelp him to make a name for himself on this plane.

I lifted my hand to knock on the door, but it clicked open before I had the chance. Tabitha smiled at me as if she had been waiting.

“Come on, little star. We’re all here,” she said with a wink.

I stepped inside, feeling like the small child I used to be when sneaking on the peripheries of the coven. Now I was welcomed into it. TheirHigh Priestess.I still couldn’t wrap my head around it.

Gabbi ran up to me, her arms circling my legs before peeking behind me with a pout. “Rudgar?” She asked, frowning up at me with a little moue on her lips.