She scoffed, cupping my cheeks again and pressing her lips to my forehead. “You already do.”
Iwaited in the living room, being eyed by the females that were left behind while my mate and Tabitha, the older female with the long white braid, had gone into one of the bedrooms. It had been everything I could do to not follow her, but I knew that she needed to show that she was in charge.
She was taking over the coven, and I couldn’t get in her way. I didn’t understand the dynamics here, but I knew that I didn’t want to push her while she was going through a transition. I eyed the females, and they stood in a little group, watching me with suspicion.
From their muttered conversations, I now knew their names. I already knew Tasia from when she’d messed with Rok—and I intended to keep the grudge that I held. Gabbi was her daughter—the one who’d attacked my leg for existing. Hanna was nibbling on her lower lip—the quietest of the group—andshe kept clenching her still-glowing fists. She was running her fingers through her short, wavy hair and I wondered if she was going to burn it with her magick if she kept doing it.
Floria was the most suspicious of me, with a sneer playing on her lips and her curly hair pulled back into a high ponytail. Every once in a while, she’d point at me with a glare. I tried to look as unthreatening as I could but I was easily two times their size, so the task was impossible.
Relief filled me as my mate’s scent became stronger and I knew she was coming back toward us. She appeared in the hallway, carrying a case, with Tabitha behind her. I straightened, ready to move toward her to take it from her hands, but Floria leveled a finger at my chest as if to sayStay right there.
I did as I was told, going back to lounging against the wall. My female came toward me, holding up the case for me to see.
“This has all my mom’s things,” she told me, and I could see the sadness in her. I reached for it, taking her into my arms without question, and pressed a kiss to her hair.
“I have you, Gul-ar,” I murmured, nuzzling her. She squeezed me, letting me know that she appreciated it, but then she pulled away from me.
I kept the case, cradling it against my chest as she turned to face the room.
“I’m coming back for you,” she told them, her voice firm and strong. “As soon as I find a place I can protect.”
Eyeing them, I sighed, leaning forward to whisper to my mate. “I might have a place.”
She spun, her eyes wide, staring up at me like I was the greatest hero of all of orc-kind.
I can get used to that look.
“You do?” she gasped, reaching out to grip my shirt in her hands.
I nodded, looking up at the females behind her who were stillsuspicious of me.
Not that I can blame them. If they’re running, their caution kept them alive.
“My brother and I have apartments available in the building we own,” I told them, watching them closely. “You’d be welcome there.”
Zara gasped, tugging at my shirt to get my attention. I looked down at her beautiful face, her smile enchanting me. “Really?” she asked, searching my face. “With us?”
She looked so hopeful, even if I hadn’t made the decision, this would have sealed it. I nodded, stroking my thumb over her full lower lip.
“Yes,” I told her before frowning. “Well, notwith us. They’ll have different—”
“But we have spare bedrooms, right?” she asked, tilting her head with sweet curiosity.
“Well—” I started, and Tabitha piped in right away,
“Perfect! We’ll make do with the spare bedrooms!”
My lips parted and closed, and I shook my head with vehemence. “No, of course not. I couldn’t ask you to do that. There’ssomuch more room in the other apartments. And—”
“We don’t want to be a bother,” Tabitha scoffed, waving her hand while Floria quirked a suspicious eyebrow my way. “And we want to stay close to our High Priestess, after all.”
I felt my female stiffen in my arms and realized that the term had probably only ever been used for her mother before. The mantle was being passed and while she might have accepted it, it was going to be a lot to take on.
Swallowing hard, realization dawned that it might be best for her to be surrounded with these females for now. With a sigh, I said the words I already knew I was going to regret.