Page 8 of Summoning the Orc

My mate.

Her scent flooded my mind with comfort and peace—finally, after all this time. When I caught sight of her, my knees went weak. And that wasn’t a small feat. I was the strongest male of all the tribes. And here I was—about to fall on my face because of a tiny wisp of a female.

She might be too small for me.

My brow furrowed as I watched my mate stare up at me with huge, gorgeous hazel eyes. The light in her gaze entranced me and my breath left me in one solid rush.


She was wearing some kind of glass covering over them that intrigued me. Were they some form of decoration in her tribe?

My gaze roved down her splendid form, taking in her lusciouscurves. My claws curled with the need to touch her—to feel her. Those breasts weremineto touch. That long, dark hair wasmineto pull until she arched that perfect neck so I could mark her with my fangs. Her creamy skin was light-brown with copper undertones and looked so soft, I wondered what it would taste like. There was only one way to find out.

A feral smile curled my lips and I was about to let my instincts take over when my mother’s voice slapped me across the head.

A female is to be cherished. Not claimed like a barbarian.

Cursing on the inside, I found my footing, wondering what the hell I was expected to do in these circumstances. I was faced with the most lovely creature I’d ever seen and I didn’t know where the hell I was or how to woo her. I wasn’t certain what species she was, butwhatevershe was, she wasmine.

It was obvious that she’d summoned me here, but I wasn’t certain that she was expectingme. Her eyes hadn’t changed at all. She looked terrified. A certain amount of terror and awe was to be expected when anyone first saw me, but the horror on her face was a bit daunting.

Perhaps she was expecting a smaller male. After all, she wasn’t what I was expecting either.She was even better.

I was sure that, given time, she would realize that having a larger, stronger male to protect and care for her was a good thing. I’d show her my prowess and skill and then I’d earn her affections. But how?

All females love presents.

The wise words of my mother came back to me, but it was a struggle to look away from my mate. She drew my gaze like a moth to a flame. Movement behind her caught my eye, though. A bird-beast with bright red feathers was backing away from me.

Aha. Gifts for my mate. I’ll need one to propose to her anyway.

Females loved adornments. My mother had a collection offeathers of all colors. If it hadn’t been for her, there would have been no decorations inside of our cave aside from the wall carvings. Already I knew my mate was a perfect match for me. She was wearing a frock of some kind. It was hiding her skin from me—something I resented and would be addressing soon—but it was purple.

Smug satisfaction filled me. Of course she was wearing my clan color. She had to know that she was mine, after all.

She’d worn it in an attempt to woo me. And it was working. Now I just needed to show-off my hunting skills and she would be won. At that very instant, the male behind her decided to run. My eyes locked on him—my instinct to chase triggered—and I darted past her.

The male released a squawk as I caught up with him, grabbing hold of his tail. He kept running and his screech as I pulled the feathers out of his ass amused me for a moment before I turned around to go back to my mate, clutching the scarlet feathers in my hand.


I returned to her, victorious in obtaining the prettiest decoration I could find for her in this odd-looking place. It had to be a cave of some kind, but it was unlike anything I’d ever seen before. The scents were all wrong and the energy of the place was jarring and confusing.

I focused on the one thing I needed to—the one thing I’d been asking the universe for. It had answered me in a manner that I hadn’t expected, but I was a resilient, strong male and I could make my mark anywhere.

If I’d lost my home, I would make another. I would find the biggest cave I could and I would make our home there. She would help me, of course. I lowered myself to where my tiny mate was covering herself with her hands.

The screech of that feral bird-creature had frightened her, Iwas sure. Holding my offering out to her, I waited until she peeked from behind her little fingers at me.

Those eyes.

I’d dreamed of those light greenish-brown eyes. For so many nights that I’d thought I’d made them up. Rightness settled inside me and I found myself smiling at her.

She blinked at the feathers first, then at me. Her lips parted, but before she could say anything, I said the words I needed to claim her with.

“Mine. You are mine. No one else’s. If another tries to take you from me, I will kill them. I will protect you and our young with my life. I am your male from now on. Do you accept?”

Her brow was furrowed, but I held out the feathers to her again and she took them with a hesitant grip. Satisfaction soared through me. This was it. She’d accepted my mating gift. I tipped my head back and released a roar of triumph.