Page 35 of Summoning the Orc


I didn’t know how I was so comfortable with this male, but even if we couldn’t understand each other, there was something to be said for the connection between us that I hadn’t even begun to understand. “They’re not going to take you,” I told him, staring at him, tracing my finger across his jaw. He closed his eyes at the touch, and I was smiling at how long his lashes were when the doorbell chimed.

His eyes snapped open at once and he had me behind him in a protective stance the next moment. I pressed my face to his strong back, inhaling his panty-melting scent, worry washing through me.

They couldn’t have made it here so soon. There was no way.

“Wait in the bedroom,” I told him, tugging on his hand and he turned to me, confusion etched across his face.

I pulled him harder and he allowed me to lead him to the bedroom with eagerness. When I tried to leave, closing the door, he refused, shaking his head at me.

“Please,” I begged, “just stay here for now. I’ll be right back.”

His brow held a deep furrow and a low growl left his lips, but he allowed me to close the door. I hurried to the front door, glancing around to make sure any orc-related items were secured. As it turned out, it was as if I was the only inhabitant of our new apartment.

I frowned, making a mental note to go shopping for Rok, before I opened the door with what I hoped was a pleasant, calm expression. In all probability, I looked like a high-strung mess with a feral smile.

“Oh thank the Gods,” I gasped, heaving a sigh of relief.

Rudgar and Dristan were holding bags on the other side, their eyebrows high.

“You look like you were expecting someone else,” Rudgar told me.

“The people at work,” I sighed, moving backward so I could allow them to pass. They lugged in so many bags it was my turn to raise my eyebrows. “They’re looking for Rok.”

“I knew they were going to come looking,” Rudgar groaned and Dristan grunted his agreement. Penelope came in behind him, a worried expression on her face as she hugged me. She’d been hidden behind their bulk.

“Do they know he’s here?” she asked, as Rudgar and Dristan began placing bags on the island.

“No, I told them I didn’t know where he was, but they’re hiring a coven,” I told her, chewing on my lower lip.

She looked over at Dristan who reached out for her. She curled against him and after finding Rok, I now knew exactly how safe and protected she felt in his arms.

“A coven?” Rudgar asked, leaning against the island, his lips pursed. “Well shit. Witches would be able to trace him.”

“How? Isn’t there any way we can hide him?” I asked, rubbing my hands down my arms, feeling cold all of a sudden.

Rok chose that moment to appear from the bedroom. I sent him a smile and he made his way over to me, eyeing everyone else with suspicion before he hugged me close to him, cradling me against him. I saw Pen smothering a laugh and I sent her the middle finger as I allowed myself to sink into my male.

“You summoned him from the book,” Rudgar explained, sending a reassuring look Rok’s way. “So that means that he’ll have traces of that magic on him still. If they can get a strong enough coven, it’ll bring them here right away.”

“They can’t just take him,” I told him, turning in Rok’s arms to face him. “He wants to stay here and I—” I trailed off, not sure how I wanted to finish that sentence, but Rudgar didn’t need me to.

“We’ll find a way, Becca, don’t worry,” he told me and Pen gave me a firm nod that filled me with comfort.

“Thank you,” I told them, trying to smother the tears that were sneaking in. My family was the best. Even the big, mean, green, new members. “I know it’s asking a lot—”

“It is,” Dristan said with a shrug and earned himself a smack from Pen. “What? We’re basically hiding a felon,” he defended, gesturing toward Rok. “But we’re keeping him, because Becca.” The last was said with a tilt of his chin toward me and a wink in my direction. “My new sister and the free labor for when we need a babysitter.”

“I love you too,” I told him with an eye roll. “And you better hurry with those promises you’re making about nieces and nephews.”

Rudgar guffawed while Pen laughed and Dristan scowled.

“Enough about us,” Pen said, rubbing her hands together as she pointed at the bags in front of her. “These are some things that Rok will need along with some clothes and food.”

Rok spoke to Dristan, his voice rumbling in his chest where I was still pressed against him. Dristan responded, gesturing to the island.

“I need to learn Orcish,” I muttered, and Rudgar shook his head, holding out a bottle to me with a beaming smile.