She needed to know that I was serious about her. About us. I’d begun our courting in the traditional way, but I was willing to skip a few steps if she let me. The touching of lips from earlier had only whetted my appetite for more of her.
She backed up another step and I released a low growl of warning. Did shewantme to chase her? The images in my head—of chasing her through the forest, catching her, savoring her laughter against my mouth and then fucking her into the soft earth—were going to make me lose my mind.
She spoke to the magic box and it said in its terrible impression of Orcish, “I cannot. You leave.”
My brow furrowed at once and I shook my head with vehemence. “I’m not leaving. You told me we would be staying together.”
She waited for the words from the box and then she bit her lip. Searching my face, she sighed before muttering to herself and turning away. I was on her in an instant, my palm reaching out to caress the gorgeous curve of her ass.
She turned, smacking my hand and I grinned at her. Orcs weren’t shy when it came to touching. My parents—to my lasting trauma—were constantly touching one another. Mates were inseparable and one day my little witch would come to understand that way of life. For now, she could be shy.
I watched with amusement as my female tucked her hair behind her ear and took another two steps backward. I filled the gap with ease. I could allow her to be shy, but there was no way that I was going to pretend to not know how much she wanted me.
Her scent was flooded with lust and I would be more than willing to fulfill every need that she had. There was no way I was leaving my Becca to ache overnight. Not when there was so much I could do to help.
I leaned down and she yelped, smacking my chest with thehand clutching the gold pieces. I grunted at the tiny impact, but kept lowering my face. Her wide, beautiful hazel eyes blinked up at me and I couldn’t stop myself from pressing my lips to hers.
This was my new favorite thing. The perfect way to show her how I felt about her.
Her eyes closed, her dark lashes hiding how much she wanted me. I focused on the rest of her instead, feeling the little fingers of her other hand dig into my arm, holding me close while the hand clutching the gold was still pressed to my chest.
I twined my tongue with hers and she released the most decadent sound I’d ever heard in my life, the jarring noise of clattering coins falling to the wooden floor filling me with pride. Both her hands were pulling me closer now and I moved her further into the room, already having memorized the layout.
I lifted her onto the high edge of what I assumed was a bed—but it seemed only large enough to hold my tiny female. Even if we had to sleep on the floor, I’d ensure my Becca was comfortable.
I gave her ass a firm squeeze and she smacked my shoulder until I released her and chuckled. Her legs parted around my hips and I groaned against her lips, tasting her deeper.
My entire body burned for her. I ran my fingers along her neck, dragging them down her shoulders and arms before wrapping them around her soft waist.
She yelped, tucking her stomach in, but I growled, tilting her head back again and distracting her with my lips. She was so perfect, so soft. I was going to explore every inch of her.
Following her luscious form with my hands, tracing her supple curves with awe and reverence. When I got to her lush breasts, I paused, knowing she was particular about me touching her there.
She sighed against my mouth, releasing me long enough to move my hands to them. I gave a groan and squeeze ofappreciation. My female. She was here with me. After so long.
I tried to squeeze my eyes against the tears that formed there, but I wasn’t able to. My female pulled away and I turned from her in shame, but she cupped my cheeks, turning me back toward her.
There was a small smile playing on her lips and she murmured words in her language, glancing down at where my hands refused to release her precious breasts. Her smile widened and awe filled me as she swept one tear away from my cheek.
Her hands moved behind her and I watched in fascination as what she was wearing dropped to expose a covering for her breasts. I was forced to move my hands to allow it to fall, but only for a moment. I was touching her again, fascinated by the tiny patterns on the covering. The softness of the cloth.
Everythingabout her was a wonder. Where had she found such a smooth material? I was so busy studying it, that when it loosened and the tiny straps fell to the tops of my hand, I almost didn’t understand what was happening.
Then my breath froze in my chest and my gaze jumped to my female’s. She was giving me this. She was going to show herself to me. The tenderness I saw there in her eyes was almost my undoing.
I wanted to make sure she understood how much this gift meant to me. “You honor me,” I murmured to her, nuzzling my nose against hers the way I’d seen my father do to my mother countless times. “I will wear the skin of anyone who tries to harm you.”
The oath made, I stared into her eyes as I allowed the covering to fall, baring her to me. “You are everything to me,” I told her and she smiled again, even though she didn’t understand what I was saying.
Swallowing hard, I dropped my gaze and my knees almost buckled at the view. I allowed myself to drop to them, my cockthrobbing in my pants as I stared at her luscious breasts. Her skin was lighter here, which told me she didn’t uncover them in the sun. That was good. I would have to kill less men for looking at her.
Her dark nipples were tight and hard, the scent of her arousal making me dizzy.
“Please tell me this is real,” I whispered, leaning forward to nuzzle against their softness. I released a deep groan, sending up a silent prayer of thanks.
The Gods had known what they were doing when they formed her for me.