Page 12 of Summoning the Orc

Rok looked over at me when I laughed and his matching grin made something warm and sweet flutter in my stomach. It ended abruptly when he lifted me into his arms again, holding the torch out in front of him as he moved toward the cave.

“Oh, wait, wait, no—” I started, but he continued forward and when we entered, I only squeaked, since the torch lit up the interior entrance. As we moved forward, Rok lifted his head, scenting around him, before walking with purpose.

I held onto him, certain we were going to meet a very large, very angry bearorfall to our death through a trap-hole. Either of those would be preferable to being faced with a million bats, so I didn’t look up, burying my face against his throat again. He pressed what I was sure was a kiss to the top of my head, but he didn’t falter.

Chapter Nine


My mate is perfect.

I carried her like I would eventually carry our younglings—safely tucked in my arms with no intention of letting her down until we were somewhere I could protect her. It helped that she was a tiny thing and weighed almost nothing.

Her squeak of fear when we’d entered the cave had surprised me. I didn’t expect my female to be afraid of the dark, but when she’d clutched at me, staring into it with worry etched across her beautiful face, I felt pride swell in my chest.

When presented with something frightening, she clung to me to protect her. Already she knew I would be the barrier between her and anything that threatened her.

I scented beings all around us—even inside the forest—but this was one place I knew we’d be safe. The cave was going to become our home. I would fortify it for us and ensure that my female was cared for before building the appropriate traps in front of it to keep anyone else from entering.

I could tell that it had been occupied a long time ago, but I didn’t scent any animals or beings near us. The soil here was richand dark and would make a sufficient bed for now. My female could use my body heat to keep herself warm. Any fire that we lit would have to be close enough to the entrance for the smoke to exit and that was something that I didn’t want to do until we were cooking.

I didn’t want to draw attention to us until I had a chance to scope the area and see what type of land I’d ended up in. Communication with my mate was my utmost priority.

She was mine and she needed to know it. It helped that her scent carried no hint of a male. My lip curled at the thought.

I scented water a little further in the cave, so I stopped us well ahead of it, burying the torch in the floor. That was all the lighting we would be able to make do with for now. It lit a good few feet around us and at the movement my female lifted her head from my throat—a vulnerable spot that only she was allowed to explore—and looked around.

She swallowed hard, biting her luscious lower lip as I lowered her to her feet. She turned to peer up at me, searching my face and I took the time to explore hers. She pointed to the fire and said a few words that I didn’t understand.

I shrugged, reaching out to tuck her long hair behind her tiny ear, caressing it again, still in awe of the female I had been gifted. She blinked up at me, tilting her head and reaching up to touch my hand with hers.

I froze as the intimacy of the moment filled me. We were alone and my female was touching me. The banked heat that had been simmering inside me since I saw her for the first time flared out of control. I stayed perfectly still as she pulled my hand into hers, uncurling my fingers until they were spread wide. She placed her own into mine and we both stared down at where her dainty hand settled against my calloused skin. There was a huge difference in size, butthe pairing seemed so right. Her brown skin against my green. Her delicate touch against my strong fingers.

I would make a sacrifice of thanks to the fates before the day was out. Perhaps another metal beast, since they seemed plentiful in her land.

I closed my fingers over hers and she looked up at me, those eyes that held the sparkle I’d been enchanted by when we first met staring up with confusion. The tug of emotion in my chest told me all I needed to know.

I was staying here—with her—and no one would ever take her from me. I leaned down and she blinked at me, trying to pull away. I kept her close with our twined fingers, running my tusk gently along her jaw and neck.

Her sweet gasp was music to my ears. My female might be tiny, but she was as lusty as any female orc I’d ever met. The scent of her arousal tingled in my nose, swirling in my brain and making me dizzy.

She stumbled away from me, licking her lips but keeping a distance that I respected. The mating heat could be overwhelming and we’d only met a short time ago.

I swept my gaze over her, from head to toe, praying that she would acclimate to my touch soon. I didn’t want my rut to be triggered without getting her tiny body ready for me.

My gaze snagged on her bountiful breasts and my hand stretched out without my permission. The smack of her hand against mine was loud in the cave, her gaze narrowed as she said,“No.”

I could already tell that I detested that word in her language. Releasing an aggrieved breath, I retracted my hand. I watched in fascination as she reached into a hidden compartment of her skirt and retrieved a shiny box.

She tapped at it while my ears twitched at the little sounds it was making. It emitted a light and my lip lifted in a snarl.


Was my female one of the witches that I heard about? I’d never met one, but orcs were taught to be wary of what magic had to offer.

I tilted my head, giving my female an appreciative look again. If she was a witch, then I could be convinced to get used to her magic.

When a tiny voice left the box, my eyes narrowed on it. My female lifted it to her ear and spoke in that lovely, lilting voice that made my eyes go droopy.