Page 10 of Summoning the Orc

He took a startled step back, eyeing the handle, poking it with his gigantic finger and moving it up and down. He murmured to himself in his language before patting my head as if he was thanking me. He continued forward, narrowing his eyes as he looked down the stairs. He tested one, and when it held under our weight, he huffed out a satisfied breath and started down.

“I hope you know that this is kidnapping,” I told him, clutching him around his neck to ensure that I didn’t fall as he hurried down the stairs, in a rush to goGods know wherewith me inhis clutches. “And while orcs used to do this kind of thing a long time ago, it’sseriously frowned upon now!” I didn’t bother to explain that the only time I’d evenheardabout an orc-abduction in the last few hundred years was in one of the smutty books that I read.

I gasped as he leaned down to nuzzle the top of my head, a purr starting up in his chest. “You can’t just… You… You…” I trailed off, my eyes going droopy with the sound of his purr and the vibration of his chest against me.

What the hell kind of magic is this?

Chapter Seven


I made my way down the treacherous stone formation, listening to my mate talk to me in that beautiful voice of hers. I could listen to her talk for hours—even though I had no idea what she was saying.

Being alone for as long as I had, I’d grown used to the sound of silence. But being used to something didn’t mean that I wanted it. Growing up, my cave had never been quiet. Voices and laughter had filled it.

I wanted that again. I wouldhavethat again, if it was the last thing I did. My mate. MyBecca. She’d be the first step toward that.

I didn’t want to silence her, but everywhere around us, I scented other beings. Males and females, but it was the males I was worried about. Would they want her for themselves? If I had to fight, I would, but with the sheer numbers that I scented, I’d prefer to find a peaceful way to bring her to safety.

I also caught the scent of greenery not too far from our current location. The odd scents and sounds nearby—smoke and noise like I’d never known before—told me that I needed to get to theforest as soon as I could.

Forests were havens. Forests were safe. Wherever the hell I’d been transported to, itwasn’t. But I’d find the forest, find a cave, and that was when I’d start my pursuit of my female. She was already wet. She couldn’t hide her arousal from me, and I knew she was feeling what I was.

My purring would ensure that she felt safe and cared for. My instincts told me she needed it at the moment. It would soothe her and keep her quiet—able to hide easier. When I got to the bottom of the strange stone formation—that I was certain someone had to have carved or built with the purpose of climbing higher into this huge structure that my female was located in—I found another one of the strange contraptions my mate had introduced me to earlier, with the tiny metal trap keeping it closed.

I poked at it with my finger the way she’d shown me earlier—another indication that my female was going with me willingly—and it opened the same way the other had.

Swinging forward, it opened onto a flat-stoned floor. I peered outside, eyes widening as I saw beings of all kinds rushing around, hurrying along and not paying any attention to us. I narrowed my eyes, my hand on my axe as I took a cautious step outside. This couldn’t be right. There was no way that there was a gathering of so many different species in one location.

I lifted my lip in a snarl as a centaur galloped past me, shiny horseshoes pressed into his hooves. I narrowed my gaze at a harpy wearing a bright pink dress—made with an unfamiliar material similar to what my mate was wearing—as she looked down at a tiny box in her hands. But my ears twitched—even in the midst of the chaos—because I swore that the tiny box wasspeaking. A voice was emanating from it. I blinked as the female responded to it, throwing her head back in laughter.

Multiple beings were holding such boxes as they walked andI wondered if it was some kind of modern trap that held other beings hostage. Confused, but knowing that the safety of my female came above all else, I lifted my head to scent the direction of the forest. Turning us, I felt her nuzzle her head against my chest. When I looked down, my female had her eyes closed, her arms around my neck and her sweet, beautiful face pressed to me.

I melted inside. She trusted me. This perfect, gorgeous female trusted me to keep her safe. Even now, surrounded by so many threats, she nuzzled into me as if sheknewI was the strongest male here and I could protect her from anything. My chest puffed at that and I bared my fangs at a passing human who eyed my axe with a raised brow and then my mate. I released a low growl and the human hurried along, glancing at me over his shoulder.

I needed to get her to the forest. It was the only way I could ensure that she would not be taken by anyone else. I was certain that she would be coveted by every male here. Such a fine female would be impossible to find and none of them could havemine.

I tugged her closer to me and released another purr to soothe her as I started us along our journey. The forest was close. I moved along the stone floor, feeling the hardness under my feet with suspicion.

How was the entire area made of stone? Outside of a cave, it was almost impossible for such a feat to be done. This had to be a place of magic. It was the only explanation. Sorcerers would be the ones responsible for something like this and while I still couldn’t fathom the reason, I ensured that each step was careful in case there were any traps.

Other beings eyed us as I moved toward the forest, but they averted their gazes as soon as I glared at them. I came to a full stop as I was faced with a huge metal… beast. It was twice my size and it looked as though it was surrounded by its entire clan.It moved in front of me, coming too close for my comfort and I could already scent that it had swallowed two beings.

I bared my fangs, my hand tightening on my axe, but instead of turning and running, it continued toward me. Its roar was the most annoying, high-pitched sound that I’d ever heard. I used that time to free my axe, setting my mate gently aside before swinging with full force onto the beast’s head. The beast halted, a loud scream leaving from inside it. Two beings burst out of the sides of the beast and faced me, horror written across their faces.

“No need to thank me for freeing you,” I told them with a nod, pulling my axe free and tucking it back into the brace on my back. “You’re welcome.” They continued to stare at me, and I realized that my female was now awake. The noise of the battle had jostled her.

I puffed up my chest again, proud that she was seeing what her male was capable of.

Yes. I am a fine specimen, mate. Now you’ll see that I am worthy of you.

Chapter Eight


Oh my Gods.

Rok had almost put me to sleep with whatever hypnotic sound was leaving his chest, but when I heard the car honking its horn, I’d opened my eyes to find that we were facing off against a minivan in themiddle of the street.