Page 66 of Summoning the Orc

“You see, what you’vetaken,” he scoffed, “is my bride.” That brittle smile dropped from his face to reveal the blank expression of a monster below. “And I don’t forgive those who’ve stolen from me.”

“I’m not your bride, you fucking asshole,” Zara screamed from inside the hut and I watched as the fake smile made its way back onto the grand warlock’s face.

“So feisty,” he told us. “I’ll be sure to stamp that out when I take her back.”

“You won’t be getting past us,” I told him, and he scoffed a laugh as he lifted one hand. I watched as it began to glow.

“When I tell you, jump away from the door,” I whispered to the others and there were subtle nods from all around. I kept my gaze focused on that hand. When he lifted his arm, I yelled, “Now,” just as he blasted in our direction.

We all leaped away at the same time, dodging the blast. It hit the door of the hut, blasting it open and Zara yelped from inside.

“Are you okay?” I asked her, and she squeaked, “Yes,” back at me.

Now I knew exactly how long it took this monster to generate his offensive power. With a feral grin, I leapt forward, brandishing my axe. He didn’t flinch, his men running forward first as he sneered in my direction,

“I’ll enjoy ripping your entrails from your body, you filthy orc.”

Two swords hit my axe at the same time, and while I felt the thrum of their reinforcement up my arm, I knew that they were no match for me. I bared my teeth at the two males and they paled as I shoved them back. They slammed into the ground, holding their swords up, but with one swing of my axe, I took both their heads. They fell with wet plops to the ground and that instinct inside me—the ancient knowledge of what a sound like that meant—bellowed with satisfaction.

Two down.

My face was wet with blood as I stared up at the male on his horse. Beside me, Krusk, Savla and Enka were each fighting an enemy. The grand warlock glanced from the fallen heads to me and there was a flicker of unease in his eyes before he screamed,

“Kill them!”

Enka bashed his axe against the armor of the male he was fighting and he fell to the ground. He was heaving breaths, the newest warrior among us. Krusk’s battle cry sounded as he spun, swinging his axe with such force it threw the male into a nearby tree, the loud thud making leaves fall around his unconscious body.

Savla was dodging the blows of an enthusiastic warlock. His expression never changed, but right before the male landed a blow, he slashed out with his knife—having lost his axe several feet away in the fight. Blood spurted from the male’s side and he cried out, clutching the wound, his hand trembling as he held up his shield toward Savla.

Three more males came forward, the others considering our positions and making their way around the back of the building.

Fuck. I can’t let them get her.

Eerie chanting was sounding louder from inside the hut, but I didn’t know how much more time Zara needed to open the portal. I tightened my hold on the axe, making my way to the right and jutting my chin to the left so Krusk would see. He went in that direction, ready to block the path of any male that tried to circle around us.

My ears twitched as I engaged another male. Sounds of more footsteps coming our way.

Shit. Reinforcements.

The three orcs glanced at me, having heard the warlocks getting nearer. I watched Veron’s evil grin as he heard them too.

“Well, well, orc. It seems like you’re about to be outnumbered,” he laughed—the sound twisted and demonic.

Dozens more warlocks entered the clearing, moving their way to surround us and I swallowed, loosening my shoulders, preparing to defend us as much as I could. I drew a breath, ready to give a battle cry as the light started glowing in his hands again. I felt myself being yanked toward the hut. My cry escaped in a squeak—something that I would deny if anyone heard it.

I was flying backward, being held by nothing, my eyes huge in my face and my lips parted. Krusk, Savla and Enka weren’t far behind me and we all slammed into each other in the doorway, not pausing as the force that was pulling us dragged us even faster.

Veron gave a cry of fury as he sent a blast of magic toward us. I angled myself to take the hit—ensuring that everyone had been blocked. The last thing I saw was the horror on Veron’s face before there was nothing but darkness.

Chapter Thirty-Seven


“There has to be someone who can help us,” I sobbed, gripping my hair in fists as I sat on the sofa of the apartment I used to share with Rok. Last night had been torture. Sleeping without him after falling in love with the feel of being in his arms was the worst experience of my life. “I need him,” I gasped, shaking my head.

Pen had her arms around me, stroking her hand down my back. “Tasia’s looking, Becks. And we’re never giving up on this. He’s going to come home. We just haven’t found the way yet. But wewill,” she assured me. But I wasn’t feeling the same level of hope that I had the day before.

“If he can’t come to me,” I said, sniffling and standing, clenching my fists at my side, “I’m going to him.”