It took every ounce of self-discipline inside of me to not laugh. Rok had definitely been enthusiastic.
Then the seriousness of his words hit me.
“They’re looking for him?” I asked Gideon, and his eyes were narrowed at me before he nodded. “W-well I have no idea where he went,” I said, smoothing my skirt with my hands. “He left me on the side of the road and then wandered off. I-I ran home.” I punctuated the end with a firm nod, hoping that no one would ask me any questions.
Gideon’s gaze stayed steady on mine and I struggled to hold it, praying that he would believe me. He gave a slow nod.
“Well I’m glad you’re safe. We have no idea where he came from and he could be dangerous,” he said.
“H-he didn’t seem dangerous,” I licked my lips to say while Jun blustered next to us.
“He most certainlywas. I wasattacked,” he huffed.
Gideon rolled his eyes at me again, but the nerves in my stomach were churning and my mind was racing.
“I just mean that he didn’t hurt me or anything. He just seemed confused,” I told Gideon. “He was speaking in Orcish.”
“And how wouldyouknow what language he was speaking?” Jun asked, crossing his thin arms over his chest.
“My best friend is mated to an orc,” I told him, tipping my chin up. “And I knowa lotabout orcs and orc culture.”
Jun scoffed, turning and walking away, but muttering “Orc-chaser,” in a derogatory voice so I could hear him.
Heat rose in my cheeks, and I looked up at Gideon. He shook his head with a sigh. “Don’t mind him. He’s just a prejudiced old coot.” He took the time to look around before he leaned closer. “I saw the footage of him leaving with you,” he told me in a low voice and my heart jumped into my throat.
Fear quivered inside me for Rok. I didn’t want these lunatics anywhere near him.
“And if I saw it,” he continued, “other people saw it too. That male wasnotgoing to just leave you on the street. You might want to change your story.”
I bit my lip, my eyes wide.
He knows.
“You’re his mate, right?” he asked, giving me a sad smile.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I replied, but I knew my face was giving me away.
“Okay, just don’t get yourself in trouble over this. If you’re mates, there might be something we can do. A special procedure. Let me look into it,” he murmured, peeking behind him to where the rest of the security team was working, surrounding the book that Rok had come out of with yellow tape. “I’ll let you knowwhat I find. In the meanwhile, just say that you ran from him and you don’t know where he went.”
I searched his kind face and gave him a nod and a grateful smile. “Thank you,” I whispered, and he shrugged.
“I’m a romantic under all this stone,” he said, rapping his fist against his chest, the sound loud and hollow. “Just ask my imaginary girlfriend.”
My smile stretched as he winked at me before walking off. His eyes snagged on where Trixy was hurrying across to me on her eight legs, almost plowing face-first into a shelf before he realized where he was going and redirected himself.
“Oh, thank the Gods,” Trixy cried, grabbing my hands in hers. “When I saw the way he just carried you off like a brute,” she gasped, shaking her head. “I was so worried.”
“O-oh,” I smiled up at her, trying to look relieved. “Yes, I was worried too. But then I got away!”
Trixy nodded, her multiple eyes fixated on me, waiting for the rest of the story. Unnerved, I licked my lips and looked around.
“He took me to the—” my eyes snagged on the shelf with the used disposable cups that lined some of the shelves. “Coffee shop!”
Trixy’s head tilted a little. “The coffee shop? Down the block?”
“Yep,” I said with a quick nod. “I think he was trying to find some food or something. Maybe he liked the smell. We didn’t make it all the way there before I kicked him in the nuts and ran,” I finished the story with gusto, beaming up at her.
Her smile was hesitant before she shook her head, taking my hand into hers. “Well, I’m just glad that you made it away from him. Leave it to these guys. They’re the best. They’ll track him and send him back to where he came from,” she assured me, patting my hand.