Page 25 of Summoning the Orc

I tried to move away, but that made me tumble back into the bed. He had my legs over his shoulders in just a moment, and my body melted under him.

More orgasms?

The jarring ring of the phone next to me was the only thing that could pull me from the spell he was casting around me. He turned an annoyed look at my phone and reached for it. We grappled for a short, lust-filled moment before I smacked his big green palm and snatched it from him, answering.

“Hello?” I gasped.

“Oh my,” Penelope drawled on the other end. “It’s only been a half of an hour since we saw each other, Becks. How many orgasms have you had since them?”

My face heated and I eyed where Rok was nuzzling his face against my calf, trying to be covert with pushing my skirt up my legs.

“Two,” I squeaked and her happy squeal had me biting back a grin.

“Fuck yes! I knew that male would be good for you,” she laughed. “You’re keeping him and that’s the end of the story.”

“I can’t keep him,” I told her, jerking as Rok ran his tongue over the skin of my thigh, parting my legs with ease as my head fell back on the bed. “He needs to go back to where he came from and I can’t go with him.”

“Ofcourseyou’re not going with him,” she insisted, and I could see her stern look in my head even as Rok’s nibbling moved higher. “But you’rekeeping him. He’s going to stay here. He can move into the apartment.”

“That’s crazy,” I said, my voice breathless before I yelped whenhe nuzzled against my pussy. My half-hearted attempts to push him away didn’t deter him.

“I’m guessing you’re too busy to have a rational discussion right now. Let him give you a few more orgasms tonight and then bring him up to our place for breakfast. We can talk it out.”

I probably said something then, but I couldn’t be sure. Her knowing chuckle told me she knewexactlywhat was happening as she hung up the phone.

Chapter Seventeen


I didn’t allow myself to sleep the entire night. I was too afraid I was in a dream and I would wake up to find myself back in my lonely cave.

I spent the night snuggled with my female instead. After I’d ensured that she’d come three more times against my tongue, she’d been a sleepy mess in my arms. I’d followed my nose to the scent of fruit in a bowl in the cooking area and I’d fed her bits of them, watching her gaze up at me with languorous eyes in my arms.

She was my most precious possession, and I was learning to care for her in this new land. I’d get better at it. I had to, if I had any hope of keeping her.

Lying next to someone held its own form of intimacy as well. The females I’d been with before had invited me to their beds and kicked me out right after the deed was done.

Not my mate.

She’d curled into my arms like a sleepy matagot that had snuck into a cave for warmth. I stroked her hair—running my fingers through her silken tresses—and touched her delicate skin. I’dfound a knife in the kitchen area and trimmed my claws, but I needed some stone to blunt the sharp edges before I could touch her properly.

I never wanted to hurt her, even accidentally. I spent hours curled around her and she’d tucked her luscious ass against my cock. It was sublime. Every second was one I wanted to relive and cherish.

But other than having her with me, I wasn’t sure about this new world that she lived in. I might not have been able to sleep anyway, even if I’d tried. There were noises from everywhere—loud and jarring—when I was used to only the soothing sound of nocturnal animals.

The many entry areas of her living space didn’t have the same safety as a cave either. An enemy could enter from anywhere. There were clear barriers everywhere, but they seemed brittle and easily breakable. How did she live here by herself? A female on her own?

I knew we were high up. In fact, I hadn’t been able to fathom how high up we were from the ground when I’d peered out of the clear barriers, but I couldn’t imagine that would deter anyone who had the relevant tools.

I nuzzled against Becca’s hair, taking a hit of her scent and soothing myself. I’d have to ask Dristan so many questions when I saw him. How he’d outfitted his own home in order to protect his mate.

I just need to learn. We can be safe and happy here. I’ll take care of her and she’ll never leave me.

I ran my tusks over her, covering her with my scent, my hands filled with her delectable breasts. This was how I wanted to spend every night. With my mate in my arms after I’d sated her lust.

I swiped my tongue over her ear and she released a little giggle, making me smile. The sun was peeking in through the windows.It was our time to rise.

She peeked her eyes open, her mouth stretching wide with an adorable yawn and my heart melted into a puddle. She turned to look up at me and a smile stretched her lips.