Page 27 of Hex and Scales

“Ren.” Kaito appeared in the doorway, expression grim. He surveyed the destruction, nostrils flaring at the lingering dark magic. “We need to talk. That signature...”

“Later.” Ren didn’t look up from treating Sabine’s wounds. He produced a small jar from his pocket, hands still trembling slightly. “Dragon-fire salve. It will help, but this might hurt.”

The ointment burned like liquid sunshine, drawing a hiss from her throat. Ren murmured apologies, his touch impossibly gentle. This close, she could see the fear lingering in his eyes, the way his dragon essence rippled beneath his skin in agitation.

“I’m okay,” she whispered, catching his hand. “Really. Shifter healing, remember?”

His fingers laced with hers, squeezing tightly. “When I felt your pain through the wards... when I saw you bleeding...”

“Ren.” Kaito’s voice hardened with urgency. “A word. Now.”

Ren’s jaw tightened, but he helped Sabine settle against the wall. “Don’t move. Please.”

She watched him follow Kaito to a quiet corner, their hushed conversation drifting back in fragments:

“—magical signature like George Sunil’s?—”

“Impossible. He was executed for killing?—”

“Someone’s using his methods. The shadow magic, the music box trap?—”

“He’s dead, Kaito. I watched him die for what he did to?—”


The bell chimed. Sabine’s tigress snarled as Linus stepped inside, impeccably dressed despite the early hour. His polite smile didn’t reach his eyes.

“My word.” He surveyed the destruction. “I was passing by and heard such a commotion. Are you all right, dear Sabine?”

She suppressed a shiver at the way he said her name. “Fine, thank you. Just a magical mishap.”

“You seem to attract quite a bit of trouble lately.” He moved closer, gaze lingering on her blood-stained clothes. “Such a delicate flower shouldn’t face these dangers alone.”

“I’m hardly delicate.”

“No?” His smile widened, showing too many teeth. “Still, you must allow me to help protect you. We could be... magnificent together.”

“That won’t be necessary.” Ren materialized between them, radiating protective heat. “Sabine is well looked after.”

“Ah, Ren.” Linus’s eyes glittered. “Always rushing to play hero. Tell me, how long can you truly protect her?”

The temperature in the room plummeted. Before Ren could respond, the bell chimed again as Clover and Romi burst in.

“Sabine!” Clover rushed to her side, healing magic already gathering around her hands. “Romi said something was wrong—oh goddess, you’re bleeding!”

“I’m fine, really.” Sabine tried to wave her off, but Clover was already casting diagnostic spells.

“Fine? You look like you went ten rounds with a cheese grater!” Romi knelt beside them, rifling through her bag. “I have emergency potions somewhere... aha!” She produced a violently pink vial. “Extra strength healing elixir. Fair warning, it might make you taste colors for an hour.”

“You both worry too much.” Sabine took the potion reluctantly. It tasted like birthday cake and thunderstorms.

Linus watched the exchange with cold amusement. “Such devoted friends. Though perhaps what you truly need is a stronger... masculine presence in your life.”

Romi choked on air. Clover’s healing magic flickered dangerously.

“I believe,” Ren’s voice could have frozen hell itself, “you were just leaving.”

“Of course.” Linus bowed slightly, that unsettling smile never wavering. “Rest well, dear Sabine. I’ll check on you tomorrow.”