A magical alarm pierced the café’s calm, cutting her off. The building shuddered, cups rattling in their saucers. Ren surged to his feet, every line of his body coiled for action. The fluid grace of his movement drew an appreciative purr from her feline nature.
“Stay here,” he ordered, striding toward the door.
Like hell. She was right behind him as they burst onto the street. A massive wooden sign—one of the heavy decorative ones adorning Mystic Hollow’s shops—had torn free of its moorings, threatening to crash onto the crowded sidewalk below. Several people stood frozen in its path.
Ren moved with preternatural speed, partially shifting as he launched forward. Scales shimmered across his forearms, eyes blazing gold as he positioned himself beneath the falling sign. Without conscious thought, Sabine channeled her strength to aid him, their powers merging seamlessly to halt the sign’s descent mere inches from disaster.
The surge of combined energy left them breathless. His scent—cedar and moonlight—enveloped her, making her dizzy. Her feline nature roared in triumph at their perfect synchronicity, pushing against her control. Mate, her inner cat declared. Perfect match.
In her distraction, her heel caught on uneven pavement. She pitched forward with an undignified yelp—directly into Ren’s embrace.
He caught her instinctively, one arm banding around her waist while his other hand steadied her elbow. The simple touch ignited every nerve ending. This close, she could distinguish the subtle rings of amber in his irises, trace the strong curve of hisjaw, feel his heartbeat echoing her own where her palms pressed against his chest.
Time stretched like honey, sweet and infinite. Neither moved. His pupils dilated until only a thin ring of gold remained, his grip tightening fractionally. She watched, entranced, as his throat worked. She swayed closer, drawn by an irresistible gravity.
Around them, every flower box and hanging basket on the street erupted in a riot of color.
“Yes!” Clover’s cheer shattered the moment. “That’s the money shot!”
“Romi, tell me you got that on video,” Ylan called from the shop doorway. “I need it for the wedding slideshow!” She disappeared back inside, whooping with delight.
Even Eiji, who had materialized at some point, wore a knowing grin. “Well, well. Another sabotage attempt? How shocking. Though the aftermath seems... productive.”
Color stained Ren’s cheekbones as he carefully set Sabine back on her feet. His hands lingered at her waist, reluctant to break contact.
“It’s happening again,” Eiji murmured to Ren, his expression sobering. “Just like before.”
Tension rippled through Ren’s frame. His arm tightened around Sabine briefly before he stepped back. The loss of his warmth left her bereft, even as her mark pulsed with renewed intensity. She rubbed the spot absently, noting how his gaze tracked the movement.
“Nice photo series!” Clover called. “I call this one ‘Sexual Tension: A Romance in Five Acts.’ The smoldering looks really sell it.”
“If you’re quite finished,” Ren growled, though a hint of amusement softened his tone. He turned to Sabine, expression growing serious. “We need to investigate this properly. ButI have one condition—no rushing into danger alone. These incidents are escalating, and I won’t—” His jaw clenched, words faltering.
Won’t lose you, her mind supplied, the certainty inexplicable yet absolute. Her feline nature rumbled in response, urging her to press against him, to mark him as theirs. The instinct grew stronger with each encounter.
“Deal,” Sabine managed, steadying her voice. “But that goes both ways. Whatever’s happening here, we’ll work as a team to figure it out.”
His eyes widened, and for a moment she glimpsed that same raw longing from her dream. Then he nodded once, curtly, and moved to examine the sign’s broken moorings with Eiji.
“Girl.” Romi sidled closer, whispering dramatically. “That was pure magical chemistry. I’ve never seen power affect plants like that. The whole street’s transformed!”
“Speaking of transformation,” Clover added, “wait till you see these photos. Ylan’s going to lose it. I think we caught the exact moment you both forgot the world existed.”
Sabine ignored them, drawn to Ren’s movements. Sunlight played across his shoulders as he worked, and her thoughts strayed to sexy territory—imagining him without the suit jacket, the vest, the?—
A nearby flower box burst into fresh roses.
“Not. One. Word,” she warned her delighted friends.
But there was no denying how her magic reached for him, how her entire being sang in his presence. Her feline nature had never been more certain—this powerful, beautiful, woundedman belonged with them. It explained her racing pulse when he was near, how gardens flourished at just the thought of him.
She turned to find Clover and Romi exchanging meaningful looks.
“You know,” Romi mused, tapping her chin, “I’ve never seen your power respond like this to anyone before. Not even Kirk, and you dated him for months.”
“That’s different,” Sabine protested. “This is just... heightened emotions from all the excitement.”