“Relationships are rarely easy,” her mom said, unconcerned. Never one to push Elliott to talk when she wasn’t ready, she didn’t ask fordetails. It was one thing she loved about her mom, and one of the biggest differences between her and her dad. “There are good days and bad days, and the best thing to hope for is to find someone who loves you on both.”

“What a load of bull,” Elliott’s dad said, striding into the kitchen. “I definitely only love you on the good days.”

Her mom grabbed an orange and chucked it across the kitchen. Her dad ducked and Jamie caught it the second he appeared in the doorway.

“Whoa,” he said, eyes wide.

Her dad straightened and gave him an impressed nod. “Nice reflexes.”

Jamie winked at Elliott and set the orange on the counter, then bent low to love on Hank.

“Coffee?” her dad asked Jamie as he poured himself a cup.


“Cream or sugar?”

“Hell, no.” He stood up and paused. “Uh. I mean, no, thank you.”

Her dad just laughed. “I like you more and more.”

Elliott’s mom shook her head, and Elliott just sat there with a ridiculous grin. Cup in hand, Jamie kissed Elliott’s hair as he passed and took the chair beside her.

“So what’s on the agenda for you two today?” her dad asked. “Up for another round of poker?”

Jamie groaned. “Even if I wanted to, I’m broke.”

Her mom drank her coffee, a serene expression on her face.

“We’re having lunch with Yuka,” Elliott said. “We’ll head back after that.”

“Well, okay. But you’d better come back soon. Both of you.”

“Before we head out, there’s a pine tree out back I noticed last night with a few dead branches on the bottom,” Jamie said. “I could take care of those, if you don’t mind.”

“That would be great,” her dad said. “But I’m not sure we have the right tools.”

“I’ve got stuff in my truck,” he said. “Maybe I can earn some of my money back?”

Elliott’s mom stood. “Nope.”

Jamie chuckled and shook his head at Elliott. “Ruthless,” he mouthed.

They met Yuka at a Mexican restaurant with a dog-friendly outdoor patio. Jamie and Elliott arrived first and found a table, which Hank immediately stretched out under. He’d run around with Dodger all morning, and Elliott wouldn’t be surprised if he slept the rest of the day.

“Well, if it isn’t my best friend and the man who stole her from me,” Yuka said from behind them.

Elliott grinned as Yuka hugged her around the neck.

Jamie held up his hand, and Yuka slapped her hand against his before taking a seat. Elliott and Yuka had FaceTimed enough while Jamie was around last week that it was like they were old friends now, too. “I’d argue she moved to Omaha without knowing she’d run into me, but I prefer to believe she came looking for me.”

“You’re not far off,” Elliott admitted, and the smile on Jamie’s face melted her from the inside out.

“Oh, I almost forgot.” Jamie jumped up and grabbed his keys from the tabletop. “Be right back.”

Yuka gave Elliott a curious glance, and Elliott shrugged.

“So how was meeting the parents?”