Jamie:??Just pick a couple favorites. I’m up for anything.??

Elliott:??Okay. Trade for the best book you’ve read recently???


Jamie:??I was gonna take Hank for a walk in a few, we’ll stop by after.??

Elliott:??See you soon??

Sunday, August 25

Elliott:??I’m running on fumes today thanks to you and that thriller you gave me. It’s a good thing I work at a coffee shop??

Jamie:??Did you see that twist at the end coming???

Elliott:??What Twist Im Not There Yet??

Jamie:??Wow, I won’t ruin it, calm down??

Elliott:??I’ve had six cups of coffee there will be no calming??

Elliott:??Now all I want to do is get home to finish it!??

Jamie:??I’m not doing any better over here, got any more of those Lisa Kleypas books? I finished both of them.??

Elliott:??Like 30 more??

Jamie:??This Winterborne guy. I can’t tell if I think he’s an asshole, if I want to be him, or if I have a thing for him??

Jamie:??“not five fucking minutes”??

Jamie:??I could never get away with saying something like that??

Elliott:??I wouldn’t be so sure??


Tuesday, August 27

Elliott:??Can I grab Hank for a run tonight???


Thursday, August 29


Elliott:??Know anything about these???

Jamie:??They’re wild coneflowers. I found them when I was out on a job today and thought you might like them??

Jamie:??I hope that’s okay??

Elliott:??They’re beautiful. Thank you??

Sunday, September 1

Jamie:??There’s a documentary on the history of graphic design on Netflix, seems up your alley??