He sure as hell should have by now. “I was trying to figure out if this is big enough to even bring up,” he hedged. “I guess I keep hoping it will pass.”
Blythe leaned back on her hands. “I’m not saying this specifically about you and Carly, okay? But don’t forget you’re in the dating phase, which involves commitment, yes, but also the understanding that something might alter the course. A major life event, a career move.” She paused. “Another person. You’re allowed to change your mind. Don’t be so worried about turning into Dad that you force yourself to stay in something that isn’t right.”
“I’m not doing that.”
She just regarded him in that quiet, watchful way she sometimes did. He hated it. “Okay.”
He closed his eyes. Grit his teeth so hard his jaw ached. “I don’t want to hurt anyone,” he whispered.
“I know.” Her next words were soft, gentle. “But sometimes ignoring something makes it more painful in the long run.”
He blew out a breath and stood, then gathered both their bottles. He quietly slipped into the house to toss them and returned.
She was on her feet now, too, and gave him a quick hug. “I’m glad you came over. Even if I’m not sure how helpful I was.”
“I’m not sure, either,” he said, and in a rare show of grace, she ignored him.
“I could be off the mark, but just in case I’m not ... I think you need to start here.” She put her hand on his chest. “You’re so worried about everyone else and what they might think. It’s not a bad thing, because yeah, you might need to have a conversation with Carly, or thiswoman, or both. But it won’t do you any good until you know what’s going on first in your head. You’ve gotta figure out whatyou’refeeling. You can’t have an honest, worthwhile conversation with someone else if you haven’t been truthful with yourself.”
And with those words, for the first time in forever, Jamie left his sister’s house even more conflicted than when he’d arrived.
Chapter Twelve
Yuka:??Bitch you’re famous!??
Elliott grinned at her phone, glancing up to make sure no customers waited before she replied.
Elliott:??That might be an exaggeration??
Yuka:??Twenty-three new followers since yesterday!??
Elliott had finally tweaked her business website to perfection, so she’d created an Instagram page for her services, too. Carly had shared it to her Stories, and because she hadn’t been lying when she said she knew everyone in this town, traffic to Elliott’s page had been immediate.
She’d even gotten three DMs from Carly’s friends requesting more information, including one who ran a sizeable party-planning business as @ChantalPlans. If her follower count was any indication, she’d be a significant client for Elliott to land.
Elliott:??I’m Famous??
Yuka:??Well, Nebraska famous??
Elliott:??I’ll take it??
Elliott:??Maybe we should send Carly that fruit basket??
Yuka:??Yes. Please let me write the note??
Yuka:??You saved my life, and I said thank you??
??Now I have followers, so here’s some fruit, too??
God, she missed her friend. Yuka’s recent weekend visit wasn’t long enough.
Elliott:??That’s??. . .??something??
Yuka:??You’re right, I’ll keep workshopping??
Elliott grinned and tucked her phone back into her bright-green apron. She took a long sip of the coffee she’d poured for herself, savoring the warm, rich flavor. She’d originally picked Starbucks because it seemed like fun and had solid benefits, but the free coffee ended up being the perk she appreciated the most. With sleep being as elusive as the meaning of human existence these last few weeks, she’d latched on to caffeine as if it were her lifeblood.