Elliott cleared her throat and smiled. “Hi, everyone. Most of you know me, but I see a few new faces tonight. I’m Elliott, and I’m a four-year cancer survivor.”

She told the members of the survivors’ group her story and listened intently as each person went around the room, talking about their experience and triumph over their cancer diagnosis. Keri sat to her right, hands folded over her hugely pregnant belly. Elliott had slipped several cookies from Melt My Tart into Keri’s purse earlier, and Keri had immediately announced Elliott as this child’s godmother.

An hour later, Elliott pulled into the driveway of the house she and Jamie had purchased six months ago. It was an older ranch-style home that needed a little updating on the inside, but the yard and back patio had ultimately swayed them. The prior owners spent a lot of time outside, and when the Realtor stepped out to take a call while showing them the home, Elliott and Jamie had sat on the back porch for a few minutes. He’d said he loved the trees shading the backyard, and she’d said she could see herself relaxing out here with a book every night, even in the winter with the built-in fireplace.

The decision was pretty easy after that.

Elliott smiled when she saw Jamie’s truck was already there. He’d been gone for a couple of days at a tree-climbing competition, and she’d missed him terribly.

Hank was at the door, tail thumping the wall when she stepped inside.

“Hey, handsome,” she crooned, scratching his head.

“Talking to me or the dog?” a masculine voice asked from her left.

She smiled and took the single step down into the sunken living room. “Both.”

He met her in the middle of the room and slid his hands around her waist, pulling her in. His hair was slightly damp from a recent shower, and his sexy smile, along with the crisp, fresh scent of his skin, sent her heart racing.

She hugged him tight, running her hands across the long, hard muscles along the length of his back. “Welcome home.”

His lips searched along her temple and down her cheekbone, and she tilted her face to give him what they both wanted. Even years later, his kiss still sent butterflies swarming through her stomach.

“How’d it go?” she asked, keeping her arms around him.

“Good. Got another trophy.”


He tipped his head to the coffee table, and she released him to lean down and look at it.

“Wow. It’s even smaller than the last one.”

That got her a light pinch on her waist. “I had a surprise for you, but now I’m thinking maybe I shouldn’t give it to you.”

She twisted around and slipped her hands under his shirt, running her fingers across his warm skin. Looking up at him with her best doe eyes, she leaned in. “You’re the best, fastest, most impressive tree-climber in all the world.”

He squinted one eye, his lips twitching. “And the sexiest?”

“Definitely the sexiest. I’ve never met another arborist with an ass like yours.”

“You’ve never met another arborist.”

“Irrelevant.” She pressed a kiss to his scruff-covered jaw. “Please give me my surprise. Please?”

He pursed his lips and shot her a skeptical glance. He tapped his index finger against his lower lip, and she grinned, kissing him there. With a satisfied nod, he took a step back. “Okay. But it’s not here.”

“Where is it?”

“You’ll see. But we need to leave now so we don’t lose daylight.”

Excitement filled her as they climbed into his truck. He entwined his fingers with hers and rested their hands on the console as he merged onto the highway.

“Blythe called while I was at the airport waiting to board,” Jamie said. “Said she saw something on Instagram this morning I might be interested to know.”

“What’s that?”

Jamie squeezed her hand as he smiled with genuine happiness. “Carly’s engaged.”