They’d talked and, as far as he was concerned, enjoyed each other’s company: really good.

When she’d fallen into his arms, she’d looked at him like she wanted him: fucking awesome.

Then she had pulled away and hadn’t looked at him again: possibly the worst thing that had ever happened to him.

Back at his apartment, he crashed onto the couch with a frustrated growl. He just enjoyed being with her so damn much. He loved her kindness, her sense of humor, her determination and strength. He loved that she was sweet to his dog and the way he felt her eyes on him when she thought he wasn’t looking. He wanted to sit beside her and learn about her, and he wanted to kiss her until he could hardly breathe.

There were times it felt like she wanted those things, too. But then she’d pull away, and he was back at square one.

It took a while, but he finally fell asleep and, the following morning, found a surprise waiting for him. When he opened the door, about to step into the hallway on his way to work, something on the ground caught his eye. He looked down and barked out a laugh.

It was aNational Geographicencyclopedia on ocean animals with the section about narwhals marked with a scrap of notebook paper. He slid the book onto his coffee table and went to the door a second time, a huge smile now on his face.

His phone buzzed in his pocket and his heart lurched.

Was it Elliott? Maybe she wanted to make sure he’d gotten the gift or was interested in taking Hank out again. Even better, maybe she just wanted to talk to him for no reason at all.

But when he pulled the device out and regarded the screen, his smile disappeared.

Carly:??Can we talk???

Chapter Nineteen


ChantalPlans Instagram Post

Friends, get ready for a new and improved website from your favorite Event Planner—coming soon from @EHBranding. I met Elliott through our dear friend @Carly.P—and you won’t believe this woman’s talent. Can’t wait for you to see the new site—stay tuned! Oh, and if you’re a fellow business owner in the Omaha area, go check out Elliott’s work and give her a follow. You won’t regret it! #eventplanning #party #partyplanner #smallbusiness #localbusiness #omahabusiness #omahaparties #chantalplans

Elliott smiled when the post notification popped up on her phone. She shared it to her Stories and immediately switched over to a text message.

Elliott:??Hey! I just wanted to thank you again for connecting me with Chantal. I can’t tell you how much I love her and what a great opportunity this is for me.??

Carly:??Girl of course. You deserve it??

Carly:??What are you up to? It’s been a minute and I’d love to catch up??

It had been more than a minute—Elliott hadn’t seen Carly once since that night at the raw-food bar when Tiffany had opened her big mouth. Elliott had kept pretty close tabs on Carly’s social media, though, trying to glean how she was doing after the breakup. Everything seemed perfect as always, but social media never told the whole story.

One reason she’d kept her distance was the fact that she’d just met Carly, and if she was upset about everything with Jamie, surely she’d want to spend time with friends she was close to. Elliott didn’t want to impose.

Also, though, Elliott was a coward, plain and simple. Even if Yuka insisted the end of Carly and Jamie’s relationship wasn’t her fault, she still felt guilty, as if she was solely responsible for what had happened.

Plus, what would she do if Carly brought up “Jeremy”? Disappearing probably wouldn’t work a second time, and she wasn’t sure how she’d handle it. She’d never been a good liar, which she usually figured was a pretty good trait to have, but in this situation it meant she wouldn’t think well on her feet.

Hopefully by now Carly would have forgotten all about it. Or had been too drunk that night to even remember it the next day. Either way, Elliott wanted to visit with her regardless, especially after everything Carly had done for her and her business.

Elliott:??I’m at Green Tree working on Chantal’s website, actually.??

Carly:??I’ll be there in ten??

Elliott ordered a new cup of coffee while she waited, unable to focus on client work as butterflies filled her belly. She hoped she and Carly could continue their friendship, but she couldn’t help thinking about all the ways she’d deceived her, even if it was (mostly) with good intentions. She could come clean and tell the truth today—what better opportunity would she have?

But doing that affected Jamie, too, and while he’d admitted the initial lie-by-omission was a mistake, he’d also said things would only get worse if they brought it up now. Hurting Carly more than she probablyalready was (Who could lose Jamie and be okay with it?) was the last thing Elliott wanted to do.

Carly walked in right on time, her eyes searching the café. Elliott raised a shaky hand and smiled.

“Hiii!” Carly held out her arms, and Elliott rose to hug her. “Long time no see. How are you?”