“Gladly.” She launched herself at him, and he fell back into the grass with a grunt. Laughing, she kissed his face, tears mixing in with the insistent movement of their lips.
His arm pressed her close to his chest while he buried his other hand in her hair. “I have a ring in my pocket,” he said into her mouth.
“Mmm,” she murmured. “Is it big?”
“Size is subjective.”
“I disagree.” She put her hands on his chest and lifted herself up a little. With a sly grin she slipped her hand into the front pocket of his jeans. “Is this it?”
“Nope. That’s another surprise, that needs to wait until we get back to the truck.”
Heat rushed through her like a lit fuse, but she stayed on task. With a wiggle of her eyebrows she shifted her hand until she felt a small piece of metal. “This is definitely smaller than the other thing.”
He huffed out a laugh. “Shit, Elliott. This is supposed to be serious.”
“No it’s not.”
His hazel eyes slid back and forth between hers. “It’s not?”
She shook her head and pulled out the ring. “Love is happy. And fun. And wonderful.” Light caught on the beautiful round diamond on its simple gold band, and fresh tears fell from her eyes. “And so very beautiful and perfect. I love it, Jamie.”
She looked down at his handsome face then, and his lips were tight in that way when he was trying not to cry. His chest rose and fell with each breath, and he looked at her like she was everything.
He took the ring and slowly slid it onto her finger. “I love you.”
Her heart couldn’t handle it. “I love you more.”