The blush is back, staining her cheeks an enticing shade of pink. Rather than responding, she simply holds my gaze, that hint of challenge glinting in her eyes.
"I'll check back in a day or two about getting this space set up properly," I tell her, feeling reluctant to leave despite my earlier claim about needing to go. "Unless you'd like to discuss rental terms sooner?"
"I think that timeline works just fine," Maria replies evenly, though I detect the slightest waver in her tone. "Let me know if you need anything else from me...for now."
The emphasis on that last part has me suppressing a grin. This woman is going to keep me on my toes, I can already tell.
"You'll be the first one I call," I assure her, holding her gaze for a heated moment before turning towards the exit. "Until next time, Maria."
Chapter 3 - Maria
I watch Max's broad shoulders and muscular back as he strides towards the exit, simultaneously relieved and disappointed to see him go. The man is trouble - delicious, flirtatious, inked-up trouble. Yet I can't seem to shake the flush of heat he stirs within me.
Only once the bell above the door jingles, signaling his departure, do I allow myself to release the shaky breath I've been holding.
Get it together, Maria. This guy is just renting out your storage room, not asking for your hand in marriage.
Still, my gaze strays to the delicate new butterfly tattoo adorning my wrist. The permanent markings from his hand seem to burn my skin in the most enticing way. I barely resist the urge to trace the crisp black lines with my fingertip.
Shaking my head to dispel the distracted thoughts, I quickly lock up and flip the store's sign to closed. There's only one person I need to discuss this whole situation with right now.
I power-walk to Jenna's bakery, the bell above her door jingling merrily as I burst inside.
"You'll never guess what just happened!" I blurt out before my best friend can even greet me properly.
Jenna whirls around from where she's been restocking pastries, eyes wide.
"What? What happened? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, I'm fine," I assure her, waving a hand. "But you know what you did!"
Understanding dawns, and she grins wickedly, "Oooh, do tell! Was it that new tattoo artist?"
I shoot her a look, "His name is Max, not that it matters. And yes, he came in asking to rent out my storage room as a workspace!"
"Really?!" Jenna squeals, rushing around the counter to grab my hands excitedly. "Tell me everything! What did Mr. Tall, Tatted, and Brooding have to say for himself?"
Chewing my lip, I quickly relay the details of Max's visit, from his unexpected appearance to my shock at seeing his muscular, tattooed form to his smooth flirtations and offer of free ink. When I get to the part about actually getting the little butterfly tattoo, Jenna's jaw drops.
"He put his mark on you? Like, permanently?" Her eyes are saucers. "Maria, you bad girl! I never thought you'd go for something like that."
"In my defense, I wasn't exactly thinking clearly," I protest weakly. "The man has a way of utterly disarming my usual composure."
Jenna shakes her head in amazement.
"Well, that's an understatement. But be honest, girl - how hot was the experience of getting inked up by that sexy rebel?"
I can't fight the sheepish smile that curves my lips as certain...heated moments from our interaction replay in my mind's eye.
"Off. The. Charts," I finally admit in a rush. "The way he touched me, how intense his gaze was, that low rumbling voice..." I trail off, flushing.
"You’re totally gone on him already!" Jenna crows gleefully. "Was the flirting mutual, or are you reading too much into it?"
Biting my lip, I slowly turn my wrist to show off the fresh tattoo.
"He's made it clear he'd like to take things...further. With his ink at least."
Jenna's eyebrows shoot up as realization sets in.