"Always happy to lend a hand where I can, ma'am."
Sidling up beside Maria, I reach up with ease to pluck the basket she'd been stretching for from the top shelf. Her floral, slightly musky scent washes over me as I straighten, holding the item down for her to take.
"Thank you," she murmurs, not quite meeting my eyes as she accepts it.
A few errant strands of hair have come loose to frame her face, and I'm struck by the sudden urge to tuck them back.
The old woman clears her throat pointedly, reminding us both of her presence.
"I'd ask him to grab a few more things, if you know what I mean." She winks at me salaciously.
Maria lets out a mortified giggle at her suggestion, and I can't resist flashing her a roguish grin in return.
"Now now, no need to corrupt me with your saucy one-liners," I tease. "I'm no one but an innocent bystander."
The doubtful look Maria shoots me at that tells me she's not buying what I'm selling. Good - better she sees right through my feigned nonchalance.
Because after that tantalizing glimpse of her graceful body stretching and straining, "innocent" is the last word that comes to mind.
The old woman cackles mischievously.
"Innocent, my foot! I may be old, but I'm not blind. You've got that bad boy look that drives the ladies wild."
Maria makes a small protest noise, "Mrs. Hutchins, really now..."
But the elderly customer waves her off, giving me an exaggerated once-over.
"Mark my words, dearie, this one's gonna be trouble for you. The kind you can't resist, though."
An uncomfortable silence falls as Maria flushes a brilliant shade of crimson. I figure I should probably intervene before this escalates further.
"I appreciate the...compliment?" I offer carefully. "But I think it's time we got you checked out, ma'am. Wouldn't want to monopolize Maria's attention any longer than necessary."
I shoot Maria a reassuring look as she rings up the embroidery floss, her movements slightly flustered. The tips of her ears are still tinged pink.
"Oh, don't mind me," Mrs. Hutchins trills airily. "Just an old lady calling it like I see it. You two kids have fun now!"
She winks at me once more before tottering towards the exit, leaving an awkward tension in her wake. Maria avoids meeting my gaze, focusing intently on counting out the change.
"Don't worry about her," I say after clearing my throat. "She's probably just starved for entertainment at her age."
Maria lets out a small, embarrassed laugh.
"I wish. Mrs. Hutchins has always been...incorrigible like that."
"I can handle a few mildly inappropriate comments," I assure her with a half-smile. "Wouldn't be the first time I've been the subject of lusty grandma flirting."
That startles a full giggle out of her, the sound bright and captivating. Something in my chest clenches at her look of amusement, the way her eyes crinkle attractively at the corners.
This kind of reaction over a simple laugh is dangerous territory, but I can’t stop myself.
"In any case, I should, uh, get back to setting up my space," I pivot, tearing my gaze away reluctantly. "Let me know if you need anything else from me."
"Will do," Maria replies, her tone carefully neutral now. "And Max? Thanks again for your help just now."
I pause, glancing back over my shoulder to meet her warm gaze, "Like I said, always happy to lend a hand where I can. Or when it’s needed."
The double meaning isn't lost on either of us. Maria presses her lips together in a thin line, but there's a certain heat flickering in her eyes now.