Page 93 of Myths and Shifts

“They’re very nice but I don’t have room for tables.” I looked around my pretty house. “I’ll get tables when I have my castle, Daddy.”

“Remind me to ask where all your furniture is.” Daddy got frowny again. “I haven’t asked you nearly enough logistical questions.”

‘Cause Daddy got distracted with snuggles and kisses. “Yes, Daddy.”

Daddy sighed.

I giggled.

“You’re not going to remind me because it’s naughty or silly or magey.” Daddy was so smart he got more kisses. But that made him more dramatic. “Dragons above. It’s naughty magey.”

He was so funny.

“Book time, Daddy.” I gave Daddy one more wiggle to make him happy and laughed when he sighed. “Happy Daddy time.”

“I don’t even know what to say about that.” Daddy was pouty and dramatic. “So I’m going to ignore it.”

I was a good helper, so he didn’t have to worry.

“Good Daddy.” And good Daddy got snuggles and more kisses and tummy rubbies.

“Good grief. There’s so much blood.” Daddy was going to be big dramatic. “No, competence is not that sexy. I’d have gotten more dates in college if it was.”





More giggles.

“That’s…for fuck’s sake.” Daddy winced. “Sorry, baby.”

Naughty Daddy.

Naughty book.

Naughty cuddles.

“They all need therapy.”


Daddy needed the slow, happy stories about town people. Yes. I could find that.

Project time.

I was a planner like Daddy.

“Daddy?” Daddy needed a distraction. “Cuddles.”

I wiggled over Daddy until I was on his lap again. “I like book time but now I need cuddle time. And kisses.”

I leaned closer and closer and stole a kiss. “Got one.”

Daddy laughed and book time was over. “You’re so silly.”