“You are amazing.” I could’ve kept listing out why he was so special, but that would’ve taken up our whole evening. “You’re so amazing, in fact, I should push you on the swings.”
They were tucked away at the back of the park and sturdy enough that they weren’t designed for children, so I didn’t hesitate to steer us in that direction as Merritt sucked in an excited breath. “I like swings.”
“I think I’m going to like pushing you.” I’d rather fly than swing, so it wasn’t a punishment to push him. For some reason, the damned things made me motion sick. Wren still liked to tell that story, so I knew Merritt would hear about it sooner or later. “Then how about we make dinner in the camper and you play toys?”
I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to deal with crazy at the moment and I knew if we went back to the motel I’d end up in another conversation about dinosaurs and alien dating habits. Kenzie could think of a thousand questions to ask Toman, and unfortunately most of them would be at the very least interesting, so it was hard to tell him to stop.
“Yes.” Bouncing excitedly, Merritt started marching us toward the swings. “I want soup. Kenzie doesn’t like soup but I like soup.”
I wasn’t going to ask about the circumstances that had led to him having that information because it was probably as ridiculous as mine.
“I think that’s a great plan.” What else could we have? “I think I remember seeing that you have the stuff for grilled cheese. Does that sound like it would go with our soup?”
“Oh, I like grilled cheese too.” As we got to the swings, Merritt plopped himself into one and lifted his legs. “Ready, Daddy.”
King of the dragon and the swings.
“I’m ready too, little mage.” Ready for playing and cuddling and dinner and not having to deal with anything but my mate and making him happy.
I just had to remember that he was my primary focus and nothing else mattered as much as he did. That meant they didn’t get to suck up all my patience or my peace of mind. That was for Merritt and I wasn’t going to forget it again.
And if I said that enough times, I was bound to remember it.
Merritt was worth it.
Chapter 26
“Again?” Had to snuggle Daddy closer and give him big eyes. Kenzie the dragon said it would work. “Please, Daddy?”
Hmm…he frowned…he sighed…he frowned again.
“Who did you learn that from?”
“Kenzie.” Telling the truth would make Daddy happy and he’d want to reward me. “He did it to his Daddy and then his Daddy told Toman about good pleases and then Kenzie explained how important it was for littles.”
“One day Kenzie is going to be so helpful he gets punished.” Daddy was being funny but Daddy was smart.
“He likes that.” Kenzie was silly. “And so does his Daddy.”
Everybody knew that.
Daddy sighed. “I should’ve known that.”
Giggling, I snuggled closer to Daddy and gave him my big eyes again. “I like books, Daddy.”
“You are too good at that.” Daddy tried to frown but he was so cute I kissed his cheek. “And you’re good at that too.”
Daddy had a smart mate.
He always said so but then he forgot.
“Thank you, Daddy.” I rested my head on his chest and wiggled my legs over his. Daddy sighed and pulled my cuddle blanket over me. Snug as a bug in a rug. “Again?”
I liked the bear book.