Page 89 of Myths and Shifts


I opened my mouth to explain that but his snickers cut me off. “I’m not going to point out how dramatic that answer sounded, Daddy.”

Rolling my eyes got more silliness from him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but even though there seems to be a glitch in our bond, I’m glad it’s strong enough that you can hear me.”

“Glitch, huh?” He raised one eyebrow, aiming my own expression back at me. “Is that how you’re going to explain away your drama?”


That time I deliberately formed the word in my head and made sure it sounded dry. Merritt tried to keep a straight face but it was too difficult. His mate was just too funny and laughter was the only response to it.

“You’re so ridiculous.” Still giggling, he kissed my cheek. “But you’re right. You’re funny and special and amazing.”

“I know.” That got more happy sounds from him and the last of the stress I hadn’t realized he was carrying seemed to fade. “I also know that I’m a wonderful mate for not dragging my mate through the portal. I’m very understanding about that and I’m not going to complain about missing out on meeting strange people with new drama and more political chaos than you can shake a stick at.”

Merritt was trying to hold back more laughter, but he was going to hurt himself, so I did the only thing a Daddy could do and reached over to tickle his side before he registered the movement. “Gotcha.”

As laughter spilled out of him, his entire body twitched and wiggled. He gave me an adorable frown when he finally caught his breath, though. “Daddy.”

“Yes?” Aiming for innocent, I raised one eyebrow. “Your air seemed stuck. So I helped.”

“Stuck air?” He sighed, doing his best to channel a dramatic dragon. “Stuck air. Yes. You’re very helpful.”

“Thank you.” Kissing his cheek that time, I stood straighter. “It feels good to do nice things for my mate. Like helping him breathe and play toys.”

Shaking his head, Merritt managed not to laugh but he was barely holding back a smile. “You’re always very nice to me and I like it when we play toys.”

“I like it too.” He seemed to be sliding closer to his little headspace, so I swung our hands wider and slowed my stride. “I like walking with you too. Especially when you knew to do it so Daddy didn’t explode.”

His quiet snicker made me chuckle. “You were…you had big feelings, Daddy.”

“That is a wonderful understatement.” That got more happy sounds from him. “I’m not used to dealing with people who are so stubborn about being wrong. I’m also not used to people like the councils sending their most annoying people to get them out of their hair for a while.”

Merritt sucked in a dramatic breath and stuck his nose up in the air. “I’m not annoying.”

“I am.” My timing was pretty good on that and I got a giggle from him before he managed to catch himself. “You were smart enough to grab it as an out, though. So you’re in a different category.”

That had his nose coming back down and he gave me a very imperial nod. “I’m special.”

Damn straight.

“I’m a pain in the butt and I think my legal expertise as well as my dealings with the government got me sent here.” Someone had figured that out. “Our local council had been bouncing around ideas but someone got a phone call and then it was Pierce this and Wren that.”

“Wren surprised them.” Merritt’s grin was ear to ear. “He liked surprising them.”

“He did and I think he’s enjoying driving his Daddy insane too.” Shaking my head got another happy sound from Merritt. “But their bond is almost as good as ours and Toman is almost as good a Daddy as I am.”

Merritt knew the right answer because he immediately bounced and gave me a cute cheek kiss. “You’re the best.”

It was good to have a mate who realized it.

“You’re the best little and mate.” Nodding as he did a cuteaww shuckswiggle, I kept my tone serious. “You haven’t caused chaos in town. You knew me right away. You keep your toys neat and are lots of fun to play with.”

Merritt nodded, looking like he knew how special he was too. “I haven’t eaten anyone either and I don’t tell the diner men naughty things.”

He knew where they’d gotten the spreader bar.

I wasn’t going to ask about that.