Page 8 of Myths and Shifts

Got it.

“I don’t little around family but there’s no family here, so I can be me wherever I be me.” I shrugged as I plopped down. “And when I’m me, I get special desserts and toys and coloring pages.”

I liked nosy people.

Daddy sighed. “I’m glad they’ve been very nice to you. I’d hate to have to eat them.”

“They’re crunchy. Kenzie’s sparkly friend Lorne said so.”

Dragons were weird.

Weird Dangerous Daddy Dragon.


Daddy was a superhero.

And my mate.

“Oops. Here we go. I don’t think I want this one. Will you help me so I don’t waste the food?”

SpecialWeird Dangerous Daddy Dragon.

Hmm…that might be too long for his superhero name. I’d figure it out later. I got to keep him, so I didn’t have to rush.

Chapter 3


There was no way he’d eaten a meal recently.

“No. I’m full, so why don’t you have this one.” Technically, I wasn’t hungry, so it wasn’t a lie. “Eventually, you and I are going to talk about the last time you ate non-cake-related food, though.”

His whole face scrunched up like he’d sucked on a lemon. “Later, Daddy.”

The goal was a lot later judging by his expression. “I think that’s a good plan.”

Giving me a beaming smile, probably because he’d decided he’d won, my new little mate gave a happy wiggle and shoved another bite of cake in his mouth. “They make good cake here, Daddy.”

“They do.” Between the diner, the bakery, and Kenzie the dragon, everyone seemed to do nothing but bake and ask questions. “They also ask nosy things…like what is my mate’s name and what does he do when he’s big.”

That got a giggle from him and he nodded. “And they’ll ask what my Daddy’s grown-up name is and lots of questions about the portal and where he’s from and if he likes to color.”

His list was more interesting than mine, but he probably wasn’t wrong based on the odd questions I’d been asked about ponies.

“I like to color with my little but I don’t color on my own.” It was only fun when someone else was excited about it. “I have lots of opinions on the portal and their mismanagement of it.”

Lots of opinions.

“My name is Pierce and I’m a lawyer from Texas.” There were countless other things he needed to know, but answering his questions was the most important.

“Oh, that’s fun.” Wiggling side to side, my happy mate gave me a beaming smile. “That’s a great secret identity.”


“I’m Merritt when I’m big but you have to give me a little name so I get to be cute…like little bug or the naughty words Lorne’s mates use.” Merritt tried to look innocent but his eyes nearly sparkled. “I’m a good boy, so I don’t use naughty words.”

Managing not to scoff, I nodded. “I’m glad my mate is a good boy. I’m looking forward to getting to know him more too.”