Page 63 of Myths and Shifts

“Hmm…cuddly dragon?” Cuddles and pets and snuggles and pets and hugs. “Ready, Daddy?”

He kissed my nose and gave a happy wiggle as he lay down on the bed. “Ready.”


Dragon magic.


“Oh, you’re so pretty, Daddy.” Pretty-pretty dragon. Creamy little dragon needs bows. Yes. “Come here, little dragon.”

Dragon Daddy huffed and puffed but he was a good boy and wiggled closer. “Good little dragon.”


“Huff and puff and be a good boy. You need pets, little dragon.” My little dragon. “Oh, so pretty. Yes. My little dragon is so pretty.”

And soft.

And cuddly.

“Yes. Good little dragon. Cuddles with your mate. Snuggle-snuggle.” He was so cute. “You’re not too heavy, little dragon. Closer-closer.”

Little dragon needed head pets and kisses and snuggles.

“Yes. Little dragon has a little mate.” Happy-happy dragon. “More happies, little dragon.”

Oh, there.

My little dragon loved me lots and lots.

I could feel it…he was my good boy.

“I feel it, little dragon.” Kisses. Snuggles. “You need big hugs. Good boy, little dragon.”


“Huffs and puffs but I get snuggles. So you’re my good boy.” Little Daddy dragon liked being my good boy and he liked pets and he liked snuggles.

Little Daddy dragon was a cat.

More giggles made him huff and puff again, but he liked head rubs. “You’re so pretty, Daddy. Such a pretty dragon. My good dragon.”

My good boy.

My good boy liked cuddles and kisses.

He made happy sounds and made his happy dragon purr and he gave me a wing hug. “You give good hugs, little dragon.”

And he was funny when he was a grumbly little dragon.

But even the grumbly little dragon liked kisses and attention.

“I’m going to take good care of you, little dragon. I’ll give you kisses and hugs and we’ll find nap spots.” I’d take care of him. I was a good helper. “Send me happies, little dragon. Yes. Just like that. Good boy.”

Happy-happy mate.

Lovey-lovey mate.