Page 48 of Myths and Shifts

Merritt just stood at the toilet, so I moved closer and aimed him in the right direction. “And a big garage. You seem like a car Daddy. I want a big lawn mower and a dungeon with a cross thingy.”


His brain was a fascinating place.

Giving his cock a shake when he was done, I kissed his head and flushed the toilet. “I think those are all very practical or important things for a house.”

A cross thingy, huh?

“Do you want a dungeon, Daddy?” Merritt seemed curious but not stressed as I led him over to the sink and washed our hands even though I’d done the touching work.

“I think that could be fun, but I never really thought about having one. I was always thinking about the regular big bedroom stuff and a playroom or nursery for my little.” Kissing his head got a smile. “You.”

So if my little wanted a sex dungeon, then that was what we’d build.

“And a big shower, Daddy. We can playdon’t drop the soap.”

For goodness’ sake.

What had he been watching online?

“Lorne told the diner men it’s fun.” Merritt turned in my arms and grinned. “He’s naughty.”

Damned right.

Chapter 14


“The diner men had questions but I knew the game.” I was smart. “Have you ever playeddon’t drop the soap, Daddy?”

He looked confused.

“I can help.” As I kissed Daddy’s cheek, I was a good helper and started to take off his clothes too. “I’m smart. I know stuff.”

Daddy slowly nodded then kissed my forehead. “You are smart and thank you for helping me with my clothes.”

“You have pretty clothes, Daddy.” Hmm. “Maybe we could play angry boss? Kenzie said that one’s fun too.”

They had good imaginations.

“Um, baby?” Daddy looked like his tummy hurt, so I was careful as I took off his pants. “I think one of my limits is going to be not talking about games like that in the diner or town in general.”

Nodding, I played Daddy and crouched down to help him with his pants and undies, and I even pretended not to see his penis since he’d pretended not to see mine. “Other Daddies have that rule and it’s okay. The men at the diner don’t like it but they understand safewords.”

Daddy sighed. “I don’t think I want to know what happened to make them understand that concept.”


I giggled and shook my head. “It’s okay. They know now.”

“I’m glad.” Daddy made another frustrated Daddy sound as I gave him his clothes. “Thank you.”

“Welcome.” I made Daddy so happy. “Do you need help with the potty?”

Hmm…I needed to ask Kenzie if the men knew there were potty games too.

“Do you want to help?” Daddy folded all the clothes nice and neat before putting on his shower shoes too.