Page 42 of Myths and Shifts

And Daddy had to be nice.

“I’ll save you next time, Daddy.” That was my job. “I’m good at saving you.”

From naughty people and from silly people and from mean people.

I had to save Daddy from the boring people too, though.

I’d do better next time.

Daddy smiled and came over to give me cheek kisses. “You have done an amazing job of saving me.”

Taking my hand, Daddy tugged me up and gave me a big hug, squishing his clothes because I was more important than his pretty suits. “You are the best mate ever.”

“I’m smart.” And the people who’d tried to hurt Daddy weren’t smart. “I’ll keep saving you.”

Daddy sighed and gave me hisyou’ve got to be kiddinglook where he raised his eyebrow. It was a good look and had stopped some of the stories during the meeting. “You seem to think I’m going to need a lot of saving.”


“You’re a good Daddy.” Cheek kisses and snuggles made me look cute and distracted Daddy. “You gave me lots of cuddles and attention today.”

He hadn’t forgotten me.

“I wish I could’ve given you more.” Daddy kissed my head and smiled when I stood up like a big boy. “But you gave me good attention too and you’re good at reminding me to make the other members of the councils stop telling stories.”

I liked stories but stories weren’t plans.

Daddy liked plans.

“I’ll help.” I could be a good helper. “We’ll do a good job.”

But that was later…it was mac and cheese time.

“We will.” Daddy was a good planner and smart too. “And now it’s time for two wonderful helpers to have dinner because I can hear your tummy growling like a dragon.”

That was Daddy’s tummy.

“I’m a growly dinosaur.” Poking his tummy made me giggle. “You’ve got the growly dragon tummy.”

Daddy sucked in a breath and looked shocked. “Never. My tummy is too polite.”

He was so silly.

But he was a fast packer and a fast talker too because he finished getting his stuff and told Wren we were leaving before his tummy growled again.


Not mine.

“You’ll have to help me figure out where to put my clothes and show me where the bathroom is at the campground.” Daddy looked around as we climbed out of the car. “I haven’t driven around here.”

“There.” I pointed through the trees. “There’s a little path.”

Daddy frowned as we went up to my door. “You’re walking that in the dark?”

Worried Daddy.

“There’s a big path for nighttime, Daddy.” That wasn’t a lie. There was a big path. “It goes round and round and it has lights.”