“What kind of happy?” Wiggling back and forth again, his gaze darted over to the dessert table that was quickly being raided now that the guests of honor had arrived. “I like cake.”
He was wonderfully subtle, but luckily for him, I was good at reading cues.
“I saw a couple of different kinds. Let’s go check them out.” And being the intuitive Dom that I was, I caught his swinging hand and started moving us in the direction of the goodies. “Do you want a couple of different kinds of cupcakes or one big piece of cake?”
When he aimed wide eyes at me, I lifted one eyebrow. “I saw the size of the cake. Don’t even try it. I don’t care how big a piece the lady at the diner gives cute littles.”
Oh, that got me a pout.
“You know about little cake?” My new friend’s adorable glare distracted me for a few seconds from what he actually wanted to know.
“I’ve seen little cake. Yes. It comes with sprinkles. My cousin came with me on the council trip. He’s little and he’s been having fun manipulating the men at the diner and getting entirely too much dessert.” Sighing dramatically, I rolled my eyes. “I mistakenly assumed he’d stay big in town and I let him run off without supervision.”
That had been a strategic error I hadn’t figured out the consequences of yet.
“Oh.” Scrunching up his face, my new little friend took a few seconds to think before he nodded. “Okay.”
That was it?
Well, it wasn’t the most dramatic reaction he could’ve had, and I had to admit I completely approved of having a possessive mate.
“Then let’s go find my sweet boy a treat.”
And then I’d figure out his name.
And where he lived.
And why he was part of the visiting councils.
And if he had a boyfriend he needed to break up with.
Chapter 2
Gonna get little cake.
Little cake is big cake.
Big cake for an empty tummy.
Empty tummy…shhh…no telling the Daddy.
Daddies didn’t like empty tummy littles even if they were just friend Daddies or borrowed ones. And my new Daddy friend probably liked rules and veggies and good food before little cake.
No rules yet meant I didn’t have to tattle.
“Do you want cake?” He was a sharing Daddy. I knew it and I was smart. “I’ll help you pick it out. I’m a good helper.”
Daddy huffed and did his glare.
He was cute when he was trying to be stern.
The men were wrong.
He was a cute Daddy and not the naughty word type.