He got the cutest thinking face on and nodded decisively as I shut his door and went around to the driver’s side. Even with everyone still trickling out from the meeting and just milling around town, it finally felt peaceful and we just got a few nods and smiles aimed in our direction.
If it were that quiet all the time, I’d have loved it, but on a break earlier we’d gotten cornered by an antique old man who’d asked us if we knew about the playdates that happened over at the VFW Hall. On one hand, I was glad they were looking out for people, but on the other, I was not ready for whatever they considered normal playdates.
So while I was pleasant and nodded back at everyone, I was grateful to get in the car and escape. Merritt seemed to understand at least part of that because he was fighting back a smile as he reached over to pat my head. “Daddy’s all done.”
“Oh yes.” Letting out a deep breath, I rubbed my head against his hand and smiled as his giggle finally escaped. “They’re exhausting.”
Merritt didn’t agree with me but he did pat my head again. “I’d go to a dinosaur park, Daddy.”
“I know.” My slightly exasperated tone had his shoulders shaking with barely suppressed snickers. “And judging by the deputy’s quiet groans, so would his mate.”
“Kenzie.” Rocking side to side, Merritt made another happy sound. “He made good cupcakes.”
“How many good cupcakes did you eat?” He hadn’t wandered away from my side that many times, had he?
His snicker said I needed to keep better track of my mate.
“He’s nice.” Shrugging, Merritt leaned forward and started playing with the radio buttons, scanning through them like a madman. “I’m nice.”
So to be nice he’d needed to eat cupcakes?
The logic was suspicious and highly questionable, but at least he seemed to be making new friends. “Being nice doesn’t mean ending up with a tummy ache from too many cupcakes.”
His grin just got wider. “Yes, Daddy.”
More supervision was definitely required.
“Thank you.” I wasn’t going to add a good boy on there because I was very certain the amount of junk he’d eaten behind my back made that title questionable. “Alright, have we thought of anything else I need to grab?”
The motel was just far enough that we couldn’t easily walk to the meeting but not far enough away for the trip to take very long.
“No. Just Daddy stuff.” Shrugging, Merritt didn’t look worried. “I have food and toys and snuggly stuff and coloring books and cartoons and cookies.”
My sigh made a few giggles sneak out. “And carrots, Daddy. I have carrots.”
Shaking my head as I parked the car, I pretended to frown at him. “One cupcake earlier means cookies after dinner. Do you get cookies after dinner?”
I wasn’t surprised when I got an adorably overdramatic pout. “No. I get carrots after dinner.”
Thought so.
“Thank you for being honest.” Leaning over, I kissed his cheek. “Good boy.”
Merritt’s face scrunched up like he was debating how he felt about that good boy, but I didn’t make him voice that dilemma out loud. “Do you want to come in with me?”
I wouldn’t make it an order, but I was glad when he nodded. “I think that’s a good idea. You might get eaten by a dinosaur walking by.”
The perfect distraction got giggles and his debate about earning a good boy was gone. “A big one. Grrr.”
Chuckling, I tried to look confused. “I think that’s a bear sound.”
As he flopped back dramatically and looked adorably shocked, I turned off the car and walked around to the other side. He was still doing hisBest Overactor in a Dramaimpression, shaking his head as I unbuckled him. “I was a good dinosaur, Daddy.”
“Were you?” Being skeptical was still getting a wonderful reaction, so I shrugged as I helped him out of the car. “We’ll have to keep practicing and see if I can hear it next time.”
I’d meant when we got privacy but Merritt’s time in the interesting town had changed him already.