Page 31 of Myths and Shifts

On my penis.

Frowning, I pretended to look down at my dick in shock. “It’s not little.”

That made him laugh so hard he nearly went ass over teakettle in the tub. “Careful.”

He probably would’ve caught himself, but I helped too, so he was upright again very quickly, still gigging away. “Little hats.”

My huff had his delight getting stronger again, but he managed not to almost drown himself that time. So I gave him another stern glare before looking down at my dick and patting the bubbles off. “It’s okay. He doesn’t think you’re little.”

And down he went again.

“Gotcha.” I was going to needfaster than a dragonreflexes if I was going to keep him from killing himself in the tub. “Okay, silly goose. Daddy is going to get clothes. Can you build me a bubble castle?”

Daddy was incredibly smart.

Merritt’s eyes lit up and he nodded as he latched on to the new idea. “Yes. I can do it.”

It seemed like my little mage liked a challenge, so I tucked that information away in the back of my head. “I can’t wait to see it.”

And it wouldn’t be long because I grabbed the cotton sleep pants I’d brought in record time.

“Are you ready?” Moving back toward the bathroom, I chuckled when Merritt started making frustrated huffs.

“No, Daddy. You’re too fast.” He didn’t appreciate that either. “Careful, Daddy. You’ll fall.”

“I’m not a wet monkey in the tub.” Merritt was the one in danger of conking his head. Not me. “I’m on dry land and I was careful.”

“No. Daddy was too fast.” Making zoom sounds, Merritt made it seem like I was a speed demon.

“I was not driving too fast.” He was ridiculous. “That woman was going twenty miles under the speed limit. Passing her was entirely appropriate.”

Zoom. Zoom.

He was going to be one hell of a backseat driver.

“All done, Daddy.” His cheerful tone made me wonder if he’d been fucking with me about my driving, and his wicked grin when I came in didn’t help. “Castle.”

Mages were such overachievers.

“I think that’s cheating.” Amazing. But cheating. “I’ve never seen bubbles do that.”

He’d made bricks out of the bubbles.

It definitely wasn’t something nature allowed bubbles to do and there hadn’t been enough time to do it even if it was possible.

“No rules.” Merritt shrugged. “Make castle.”


“Technically, you’re right.” My skeptical expression had him trying not to giggle, and I was pretty sure getting one over on me made it even better. “But I’m not sure you want to teach me to list out all the fine print.”

He managed to keep his giggles mostly internal that time, but his whole body shook as he looked between me and his amazing three-foot creation.

It even had turrets.

There had not been that many bubbles in the tub either.

He was definitely a more supervision required kind of little.