But just for my boy.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” But I did know about making bubbles from shampoo and how to grab a bottle of water from the minifridge.
My welcoming committee of women, who’d seemed to be the local grandma brigade, had dropped off a variety of things that were going to come in handy now. “Alright, do you need help?”
He started to shake his head, more focused on the bubbles piling up in the tub, but then he went very still and turned back to the bottle of water. “Oh, Daddy.”
Oh, Daddy what?
Looking down at the bottle, I frowned. “Do you need a straw? A cup?”
“Naughty water.” Shaking his head, he frowned and gave the bottle hisbuilding a bubblelook.
I had to admit it took me entirely too long to realize what he was doing.
For fuck’s sake.
Keeping my frustration to myself as he concentrated and mumbled softly, I didn’t interrupt while he was actively working. My patience came to a limit, though, once he finished. “All done. Water, Daddy.”
His gimme fingers said the water was safe, so I finished opening the container and handed it over but I wasn’t ready to drop the subject. “Did someone put a spell on my water?”
“Yes.” Merritt wasn’t worried as he drank half the bottle, though. He seemed fine as he handed it back and let out a big sigh too. “All fixed.”
That was not nearly enough information but it seemed like all he was going to give me at the moment. “Daddy. Sticky.”
Daddy was well into sticky territory too, so I wasn’t going to argue with my stubborn cutie. “Yes. I haven’t forgotten.”
Turning off the water since the tub was filled, I started stripping in the small bathroom area. Merritt didn’t seem worried or terribly curious, so I just treated it almost like the locker room at the gym. If there was a better way to handle it, I didn’t know what that would be.
So once I was naked, I tossed my dirty clothes into the bottom of the closet across from the bathroom. “Alright. You climb in the tub and I’ll wash off and put on my pajama pants. Then once you’re done, we’ll find you something of mine to wear.”
Merritt noticed my body, I could sense that, but he was much more interested in the bubbles and my clothes. “I can wear Daddy pants.”
Nearly giggling that out, he made an exaggeratedly careful step into the tub and sighed as he sank down into the bubbles. “Big tub, Daddy.”
Considering his accommodations, it was a big tub.
“I can’t tell if you like it or not.” Looking cartoonishly confused, I turned to the sink and grabbed a washcloth. “What do you think?”
He thought his Daddy was silly based on his giggles.
“Don’t know.” Pretending to frown, he piled bubbles onto his face like a beard. “Hairy boy.”
I was the one trying not to laugh that time. “I’m not sure about that look on you, but I will support it if you want to be itchy.”
Merritt’s face scrunched up. “No itchy.”
I thought so.
“Maybe a hat?” After giving myself a quick wipe, I tossed the washcloth on the counter and went into the small area with the tub and toilet. Reaching into the tub, I scooped up a pile of bubbles and plopped it on his head. “You’d look good with a hat.”
He would.
He also looked good in giggles too.
“Fluffy hat, Daddy.” He thought that was funny but what was even funnier was Daddy wearing a bubble hat. “Little hat.”