Daddy had a potty mouth when he was happy.
Trying to hide my giggles, I kissed his neck to find his good spots and I found one right under his ear.
“That’s cheating.” He was trying to sound stern but I could feel his happies coming through. “You can’t…da—”
I could.
And I would.
I was his mate, so that meant I got to kiss him and wiggle on him and make him feel good even if he grumbled about me cheating again when I nibbled on his earlobe.
“Fuck.” He groaned as the word slipped out. “Da—I’m trying to be good here.”
I wasn’t sure he was trying very hard, so I helped him work on his self-restraint. Practice made perfect, so I wiggled and rocked and nibbled. But Daddy was devious and kept massaging me and hugging me and rocking too.
But that was okay because every time I moaned he let out more naughty words.
So even when I started to shake and I forgot to keep nibbling, I wasn’t worried. I’d won because he followed me right over.
I was the winner.
And I got to come.
And I got more cuddles.
And I got sticky once I stopped wiggling.
“Daddy?” Yawning, I squirmed against him.
“Yes, peanut?” That nickname was so silly I giggled. He huffed. “I like that one. It’s cute.”
He was cute.
“I’m sticky. And I need a drink of water. And I need a blanket. Tired cuddles need a blanket.” He needed to know that and I’d forgotten to tell him. “I like bubbles, Daddy.”
They made everyone not sticky.
I didn’t like being sticky.
Daddy chuckled and kissed my head. “I can get all of that fixed for you. We’re going to get you out of your sticky undies. Then we’re going to get you a drink of water while we fill up the tub with bubbles.”
Daddy made good plans.
“Thank you, Daddy.” Having a planner Daddy was nice. “Then we’ll cuddle?”
“Yes.” Daddy was very sure. “Blanket cuddles in bed right after bathtime.”
“With bubbles.” I liked bubbles. “Everyone likes bubbles.”
“They do. That’s why there are so many different types. Everyone likes them.” Daddy kissed my head and rolled me off him. “And every kind of little and Daddy and even lots of other people like cartoons and being read to.”
Nodding, I made my eyes open and sat up when I felt Daddy move. “My eyes are heavy.”
“Because you’ve had a long day.” Daddy picked me up and laughed when I squeaked. “Come here, silly boy.”