He sighed.
But I didn’t like the way he immediately caught himself and a real frown peeked out. “Good. Thank you.”
That wasn’t going to work at all.
It was time to pull out the big guns again.
Chapter 8
He pouted really well.
“I’m fun. Are you saying playing with me isn’t fun?”
He also played offended really well.
“Having quality time with your mate is supposed to be fun. Am I doing this wrong?”
Offended with a layer of guilt.
He was probably a really good lawyer.
He was also incredibly dramatic when he was proving his point, but part of me still winced when I replayed the moment in my head. I just hadn’t realized how things were going until I said it and then things got mixed up in my head.
But since he’d started off the scene accusing me of being an alien pod person, I shouldnotbe worried about being silly.
Knowing it was probably going to take me a while to remember that lesson, I did my best to give him a smile that didn’t look painful or awkward. “No, Daddy. You’re fun.”
One eyebrow went up.
Internally sighing, I tried to decide what to do next to fix the situation, but he caught me up in his arms and pulled me down onto his chest. “At some point we’re going to talk about this situation. Your reaction. Your worries. All of it. But right now I’m going to give you the option of do we have the conversation now or later?”
His caretaking tendencies were going to be a pain in the butt sometimes.
I was too busy with my dramatic thoughts to answer, which seemed to tell Pierce he needed to keep asking questions. “Is this a situation where you’re going to be hurt worse if we don’t talk about it now? Are you realizing that you have a trigger we need to address? It’s okay if you didn’t think of it before when we were talking about that kind of stuff.”
Oh, we were getting completely derailed.
“No.” Taking a deep breath, I snuggled closer and tried to show him I wasn’t worried instead of just looking like I was hiding my worries. I wasn’t sure it worked but he stopped asking questions and started running his hand over my head. “I’m not going to be worse. It’s old issues that I inadvertently pulled the bandage off of. Promise.”
I just hadn’t been expecting that particular ghost to pop up. It’d been a long time since that disaster of a relationship.
“I like what we were doing and the scene you’d created. It was fun and there’s nothing wrong with that.” He was my mate and my Daddy.
Yes, both of those were very new relationships but fate had put us together.
If I liked being silly in the bedroom, then he was going to match that in some way because mates were always compatible.
I was going to need to remind myself of that a few times too.