Page 24 of Myths and Shifts

It was utterly ridiculous, but Merritt’s giggles spilled out even as he tried to roll his eyes. “You’re so…”

He was doing his best to act like I was too silly for words, but his little side thought it was hilarious. I was pretty sure his big side did too, but that seemed to be harder for him to admit. Had he been told adults were serious one too many times?

“Thorough.” Finally getting down to his shoulder, I eased his shirt to the side and pretended to study him. “I think I see another. This will have to come off so I can double-check. I can’t have an alien pretending to be my mate.”

Considering we were there because of a portal to another world, his giggles were understandable.

“I’ve become very partial to my mate already, and I won’t let anything happen to him.” Stretching up to give his lips a quick peck, I rested my forehead against his as his giggles faded to a sweet but serious smile. “Anything.”

Aliens or nosy old ladies or weird diner men.

Or that fucking portal.

“Anything.” Softly repeating the word, he gave me a kiss and wrapped his legs around me to give me a hug. “I always hoped I’d have a Daddy for a mate, but you’re more than I ever imagined.”

Kissing his nose, I rolled us over again until he was stretched out down the length of me and I had my arms wrapped around his chest. The shift got another laugh from him but he snuggled against me and rested his head in his hands. “You’re going to be a handful, aren’t you?”

Most definitely.

“Me?” Aiming for innocent and slightly confused, I frowned at him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

That had him sighing and shaking his head. “That would be very convincing if not for that one little tell.”

What tell?

“I don’t have a tell.” His snickers said he thought otherwise. “I don’t.”

I was very good and had never even lost at Monopoly because of anything ridiculous like a tell. “What tell?”

Because I didn’t have one.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Merritt would’ve been able to copy me better if he’d been able to stop snickering. “A tell?”

I had a mate with a giggle problem, so I did the only thing that would work under the circumstances.

I pouted.

Flopping my arms wide, I frowned and sighed. “I’m offended.”

That did not help his giggles but it did get him in the mind that apologizing would be fun. “Oh, Daddy. I’m sorry.”

Sorry came with smiles and cheek kisses, and for just a moment I wondered if my little mage mate was going to come out to play instead of my grown-up one. Merritt pushed him back, though, and my next kiss was on the lips and felt very adult.

Though he aimed for innocent as he pulled back, he radiated desire. “I’ll show you how I say sorry, Daddy.”

I completely approved of whatever his devious mind had in store for me, but I ran my hand over his head and nodded slowly. “But only if you think that’s the right thing to do.”

Whatever he wanted was okay with me as long as it was what he was ready for. But as I watched his face and focused on any feelings the bond might be sharing, all I saw from him was a wicked happiness and a naughty boy who wanted to show Daddy how cute he was.

“I do.” Pouting, he kissed my cheek. “I was naughty. But I can be sorry.”

He was going to be very enthusiastic at being sorry if I was reading the scene right. “Thank you, baby.”

“You’re welcome.” Kissing my other cheek, he slowly slid off me as he gave me his wide-eyed expression. “Will you move higher on the bed, Daddy? I need more room to say sorry.”

So he wouldn’t fall off the bed…it was a good plan.

“Of course.” Turning so my head was on the pillows, I shifted higher and centered myself on the bed to make sure he had plenty of room. “How is this?”