“Big date nuggets or little time nuggets?” There were technically a variety of breaded chicken products that could be called nuggets depending on how strict of a definition we were using.
Rolling over, he flopped into me, definitely not cuddling but pressed against my side. “Dipping?”
Sentences had gotten significantly shorter once we were alone, and it’d made me wonder how much younger he’d go under other circumstances. “Anyone can dip.”
Something about that reassurance had his little side retreating and I could almost see the change shifting over him. From one moment to the next I could see him trying to decide if he should move and there were definitely thoughts about what he should say next.
“You still want to dip? I’m partial to barbecue sauce but I’ve heard from the diner men that there’s a large contingent of ranch dippers here.” They’d overheard me saying something about the ranch the first time I’d gone in with Wren and it’d ended up in a strangeWho’s on Firstkind of situation.
His lips twitched like he wanted to grin but he was playing along like it was a serious conversation. “I think the question is what are you dipping fries or fried potato products in.”
“Oh, lawyer talk. That’s kind of sexy.” Wanting to make sure he knew I could shift from playtime to grown-up time, I rolled to my side and pushed up on one elbow so I was braced over him. “Are you going to make me define potato product? Is this going to be like a cheese and cheese product conversation?”
He was barely holding back his laughter, but he nodded as he swallowed down giggles. “I think so. We need to make sure we’re both on the same page. Details matter.”
Oh yes…and I could work with that.
“They do. Details like asking if I can kiss my grown-up mate matter too.” It was fairly smooth based on what I had to work with…and better yet, it made him blush. “My little mage, well, he leans his head close to me and pouts if he doesn’t get a sweet kiss fast enough.”
It was adorable, and Merritt knew he was doing it too, which made it even cuter.
“But my grown-up mage mate might want to take things slower, even though I gave him cake and played cars and let him tell me how the police were going to get me and I even read him the same book three times.” He had an adorable sigh, what could I say.
For some reason, it was mentioning the book that made Merritt blush. “I…I like being read to.”
He seemed to think that was bad or maybe made him high maintenance, but I only nodded and tried not to show I was reading into the statement. “That’s good to know. Would you like me to read to you every day as a part of our relationship or would it be part of your submission?”
When he blinked at me and went very still, I decided I needed to give him more information. “It doesn’t matter, but knowing would help me decide how to organize it in my head and maybe what kinds of books to pick out? I don’t know, but they seem to be very different things to me.”
Maybe it was a me thing?
“It might be a lawyer brain thing or maybe just aPierce is analthing?” I knew what I’d said and he had a hard time keeping little Merritt in check. “Come on. He wants to giggle. Just let him.”
“No.” Giving me a bashful grin, he hid behind his hands and scrubbed his face. “I’m hungry and you want a kiss.”
“So food comes before kissing?” I would’ve put it the other way around. “Is that just a now thing or is that generally how things work for you? No sex or intimacy until you’ve been fed and watered?”
“I’m not a horse.” His grumbling made me smile but it also made him forget he’d been embarrassed. His glare was as adorable big as it was little. “I didn’t think about the order. That was just what came out.”
“Understood.” No assumptions. Ask questions. Got it. “Well, how about I take my slightly nervous mate to dinner in town. Not the diner. There’s a pub place over near Walmart that has good reviews.”
And no locals to ask ridiculous questions.
“Then we’ll find someplace to walk or maybe see a movie. I might bribe you with ice cream.” Oh, that got his little side to perk up again. “Then I’ll wrap my arms around you and get a kiss. How does that plan sound?”
His lips barely curled into a smile. “Not the diner, huh? And you make it sound like the drive to Walmart is on the other side of the mountain.”
I shrugged. “That’s how everyone describes it. I’m practicing being local. Soon I’m going to start asking inappropriate questions to strangers. I think I might like that part.”
No point in hiding that.
A snicker escaped Merritt. “I think you would like that too.”
Barely shrugging, I didn’t feel bad about it. “People seem to want to confess everything too. It’s weird.”
Merritt blinked. “That is weird.”