“Yes.” Since that seemed like the direction our play would take, I nodded and ignored what the mess was doing to my stress levels. “Daddy gets to go faster-faster and you’re going to bring the truck?”
Nodding excitedly, Merritt giggled as he waved at me. “Bye, Daddy. Nice to the policeman.”
Snorting, I rolled my eyes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Leaving me in the dust to be nice to the policeman…it was never going to happen. “If my boy is going to leave me, I might just have to make him drive with me or make sure I can track him down.”
Shaking with barely suppressed laugher, Merritt hid his face against the table. “Daddy’s gonna track his boy.”
That was clearly hilarious.
“I protect my treasures.” I was a dragon. Of course I was going to track him and watch over him closely. “My boy is more important than my hoard, so you’re lucky I’m going to let you out of my sight.”
Pushing up off the table, he climbed over it and kissed my cheek, sending more toys everywhere as he smiled sweetly at me. “Special.”
“You’re very special to me.” That had him giving me a happy huff like I was silly. “What? I’m special?Nooo, you’re special.”
I was just a slightly grumpy dragon with an impatient streak for stupidity.
Shaking his head, Merritt inched back to his seat and looked at me like I wasn’t very bright. “Dragon Daddy special.”
It seemed like he wasn’t willing to negotiate on that part.
“I will concede being special only because I have a cute little mage mate who’s very smart and special.” If I was special, it was only because of him and that was something I wasn’t going to negotiate on. “I’m right. So don’t try to argue with me.”
Merritt sighed. “Stubborn Daddy Dragon.”
Oh yes.
But since that was a lesson he needed to understand early, I nodded and didn’t fight the label. “Yes, and I will be a pain in the butt sometimes.”
I should’ve said bottom.
Snickering, Merritt’s shoulders jerked as he made a happy sound. “Naughty Daddy.”
“Sometimes.” Hmm. “But you’ve got a naughty dragon who can take you to ride horses and who can show you cows and who can take you flying. So I think that’s a pretty good trade.”
“Flying?” Merritt looked curious but not worried about it. “Dragon flying?”
That was a good question.
“Okay, I did learn to fly when I was younger. The human airplane type of flying, I mean. I was…let’s just say I liked challenges. But yes, I was talking about dragon flying.” I’d been too busy the last few years to keep up my certification, but I could handle a plane if I needed to.
Grinning, he shook his truck at me. “Not a flying boy. Driving boy.”
Both feet on the ground, huh?
I could understand that, but teasing him was fun. “A slow driving boy. Putt. Putt. Putt.”
He was doing his best to keep a serious expression, but it was just adorable when he was obviously so little. “Naughty Daddy.”
It seemed like I’d found the only little in the entire world who had very firm thoughts on safety. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to tell him about my car collection?
“I hear a rumbly tummy.” Stretched out side by side on his small bed, I set the book I’d been reading down. “And it’s not mine.”
Merritt wiggled closer, not quite snuggling yet but almost there as he laid his head down on the bed. “Nuggets?”