“Did you tell someone about the castle?” Had I? “Where did we talk about that?”
Hadn’t that been in bed?
Maybe it’d been at the motel?
Daddy’s shrug said his memory was as good as mine. “I remember being in bed for at least one of the discussions but we also talked about it on the swings. I think?”
Both of us questioning our memories and sanity wasn’t helping.
“So you didn’t buy land and you haven’t started talking to an architect?” He liked planning but that was a bit much even for him.
He could do a lot in ten minutes, though.
“No.” He seemed confident about that, but he also didn’t sound like he blamed me for asking. “I also have not spent enough money in town to have accidentally bought land or a house.”
Good to know.
“So…” Now what? “Did he tell you where our land was?”
That seemed important but Daddy shrugged. “No.”
People needed to be more helpful, insanity or not.
“I agree.” Daddy frowned as I realized I’d shared that too. “Don’t worry. We’ll get the hang of turning down the bond.”
Eventually, but we spent so much time together I wasn’t sure we’d get the hang of it any time soon.
“Maybe someone will know later?” Later was sooner but we had enough time. Coffee. I needed more coffee. “Could they have mistaken us for someone else?”
There were still a lot of random people wandering around from the different groups.
“I want to say yes but I don’t think there’s any chance of that being right.” Daddy’s sigh made my smile finally escape. “I’m not being dramatic. They’ve done something. I just know it.”
Yes, they’d done something…and yes, he was being dramatic.
“Because you’re smart and you always catch them. That’s part of the reason they like you so much.” And they might all just have a thing for cranky Doms?
Could whole towns share a kink?
“That’s horrifying.” Daddy’s face scrunched up like he’d smelled something gross. “Yellow. I don’t like that.”
He was the definition of dramatic.
“I understand.” It wascheek kiss and distracttime. “No more crazy ideas.”
He’d get an ulcer if we kept it up, because he had enough on his plate. Between the plans for the portal and his family going bonkers, it wasn’t the time to be adding anything else. “Oh, did you hear? Kenzie said everyone needed matching shirts to go through the portal. He said this was more important than Disney, so they needed to match.”
Daddy blinked a few times. “Because families wear matching shirts to be able to spot each other in a crowd? Like those big family reunion groups?”
What could I say? He was so smart it was sexy.
“Yep.” He was also very grateful he’d declined going through the portal. “They’re purple and sparkly because he thought that would help everyone stand out in the desert.”
Best distraction ever.
“Has anyone researched what the best colors to wear on an alien planet are? Has anyone asked Toman what colors are offensive?” Frowning, Daddy pushed off the car as his brain started to whirl. “I don’t think anyone thought to ask him that. People never think about things like that until they’re confronted with it in real life.”
I wasn’t worried…they were all going to look like our resident Florida Man anyway…shirt color was going to be the least of their problems.