Page 82 of James

With April’s warmer weather, they decided on a hike. As they finished their meal, James noticed Laura’s lips curved in a fond smile.

James’s eyes met hers. He couldn't resist the urge to delve deeper into her thoughts. “You look happy. What are you thinking about?”

Laura's smile widened, her hand reaching out to intertwine her fingers with his. The touch sent a jolt of warmth through James's veins, fueling his own happiness. “You, and yes, I am happy,” she replied. “You make me happy.”

James looked at her intently. After his unfortunate slip of ‘I love you,’ he had thought it many times, but hadn’t voiced it again. James knew in his core that he not only loved Laura, but he also held an immense sense of pride in her. The way she had navigated the challenges they faced, particularly with Jake, had left him in awe. He cherished every aspect of her being – the loving aunt, the doting daughter, the sweet submissive, the smart professional and the passionate lover. He was convinced she loved him back, but he wasn’t the one who needed to be convinced. He was ready for a real commitment, but knew it wasn’t the right time to raise the issue.

Instead, he cleaned the table as Laura got ready for church.

As James washed the dishes, his mind wandered to the journey they had and the future that lay ahead of them. He knew he loved her, had known it for some time now, but he also recognized the importance of timing and patience. The last thing he wanted was to rush her or put unnecessary pressure on their relationship. They had come so far, overcoming obstacles, and finding their way back to each other, and he was determined to honor the natural progression of their relationship.

He loved having Laura in his life. She was more than just a partner; she was his confidante, his lover, and his best friend. He admired her strength, her resilience, and the way she embraced every aspect of herself. From her nurturing role as an aunt to the unwavering devotion she showed as his submissive, Laura's heart overflowed with love and compassion.

As the clatter of dishes subsided, James dried his hands and watched as Laura finished getting ready for church. The sunlight streamed throughthe window, casting a warm glow on her features, and he couldn't help but marvel at her beauty. She exuded a radiance that touched not only his heart but the hearts of those around her.


“Thank you for meeting me, Kate.” Laura kissed the other woman on the cheek before they settled at the bar of Club Indigo. The club wouldn’t open for another hour, but as a Dungeon Monitor, Kate could get in early.

“Of course, dear. Besides I’m curious about what you wanted to talk about,” Kate replied with a lifted eyebrow. She looked so much the Domme at that moment, even in her street clothes, Laura was lost for words.

“Um, yes, right, discuss,” she stammered, her nerves getting the best of her. Rubbing her hands on her jeans, she took a deep breath and collected her thoughts. “Well, James and I have been seeing a lot of each other these last few months. And we’ve been through a lot.”

“That’s an understatement.” Kate leaned back against the bar, her green eyes glinting with curiosity. “What can I do to help?”

Laura fidgeted with her hands, her eyes wandering around the club before settling back on Kate's intense gaze. “I'm at a crossroads, Kate. I don’t know how to proceed.”

With a gentle smile, Kate listened attentively as Laura expressed her concerns and uncertainties about her relationship with James. “He wants a more permanent relationship and I wasn’t ready before…” She trailed off and looked over to Kate, forlorn and helpless.

Kate gave her a sideways glance. “But now youareready to commit?”

Laura nodded and grimaced. “Isn’t that pitiful?”

It netted her a Domme-look. "It's completely normal to feel unsure and apprehensive, Laura," Kate reassured her. "Relationships, especially in the BDSM dynamic, can be complex and require open communication and trust. It's important to honor your own feelings and desires."

“I want to give James what he wants, but I'm afraid of making the wrong move. I panicked when he said he loved me, and now I don't know how to approach the topic of commitment,” Laura admitted. “First of all, I’m kind of old fashioned. The woman asking the man, it would also be like topping from the bottom, wouldn’t it? But I made him promise to respect my need to take things slow, so…”

Kate burst out laughing. “You’ve maneuvered yourself into quite some predicament, haven’t you?”

“I guess so.”

Kate paused and stared into the distance, a knowing smile playing on her lips. “Ah, the delicate dance of desires and fears. It's not uncommon in this lifestyle, dear. So, tell me, what are your concerns? What's holding you back from fully embracing a committed relationship with James?”

“I'm afraid of getting hurt, of losing myself in the process.” Laura hesitated, finding it difficult to put it into words. “It took a long time to find myself, to stand up onmy own and feel like I was more than Jake made me believe I was. I don’t want to lose that, to losemyself, in another man, even a wonderful man like James.”

“Do you really think you will?”

“I already am! Oh Kate, when I’m with him, I feel so happy, so… feminine and safe and free! But is that me? Is it really? Or is it what he made me into? And how is that any different than Jake making me feel stupid and useless and small? It’s a better feeling, but at the end of the day, it’s still a man twisting me into a different woman! …isn’t it?”

Kate's expression softened, turning her into a friend more than a formidable Domme. “I understand your fears, Laura. Trust is a vital component of any relationship, and it takes time to build. Perhaps it's a matter of exploring the middle ground between commitment and maintaining your personal boundaries. Have you considered discussing your desires and concerns with James openly?”

Laura's shoulders relaxed and she cricked her neck. “I have thought about it, but I don't know how to broach the subject. I want to find a balance that honors both our needs.”

Kate cocked her head thoughtfully, then her face lit up and she bent her head closer to Laura. “I think I have an idea.”

Taking purposeful steps, James closed the distance from the parking lot to the club. As he strode toward the entrance, two businessmen walking in the opposite direction instinctively gave him a wide berth. The air aroundJames seemed to crackle with a silent intensity, and the businessmen exchanged nervous glances as they hurriedly moved aside. The suits sensed his commanding presence and were clearly intimidated by his squared and broad shoulders and his face set in a stern expression.

Under normal circumstances, he might have been amused, but right now his stomach churned. It wasn’t exactly normal for Kate to call him this hour of the day.