Page 73 of James

Like that will work.“I don’t know that I can forget, James. Really, I can manage by myself.”

“Of course you can, but there’s more to life than managing it. That’s what friends and family are for – to help when you need it. It’s not a flaw to need help once in a while. Could you have fixed the window by yourself?”

“Well, no, but that doesn’t mean I need help. I would have called the landlord and he would have fixed it. In short, I would have managed. I don’t need you to rescue me.” Laura rose and brought the empty glasses to the sink.

“Maybe you could stop thinking of this as a rescue and instead think of it as help from a friend? We are still friends, aren’t we?”

She stole a glance at him over her shoulder. Casual as could be, he leaned back in the chair, his long legs stretched out, claiming as much space in her kitchen as in her head.

“You can always find a way around me, can’t you, James?” She braced herself on the kitchen counter and collected herself. “Okay, yes, we can still be friends, but nothing more right now. Is that clear?”

“Crystal. Now let’s get you packed up to go to the condo,” James urged. “I don’t think it’s safe for you to stay here alone.”

“What?” Her hackles rose. “We’ve been over this before, James. I’m not moving in with you.”

“I can take you to Suzie’s or your father’s, but I’m not leaving you alone,” James insisted, his voice unwavering.

“I don’t want to endanger them or you,” Laura countered and busied herself with cleaning the already spotless countertop.

“So you admit there’s danger.”

Damn him.Laura turned back around and angrily washed dishes.

“This is temporary,” James asserted. “You helped the police arrest a dangerous loan shark and now you’ve been threatened.” He pulled in his legs, leaned forward, and braced his elbows on his knees. “You’re in danger, Laura, and you are asking me to leave you here alone, knowing you are in danger. I can’t do that to anyone, least of all you. Would you, if our positions were reversed?”

“You can take care of yourself,” she argued.

“But I wouldn’t want to be alone,” he said with quiet intensity.

She ran out of dishes and couldn’t find anything else to do.

“Laura,” he said softly. “Please. You can sleep in my spare room. Please, since you won’t stay with family, stay with me.”

“What if they come after you, too?”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, but I think together, we’ll be able to handle whatever they throw at us. Why don’t you pack enough for a week? We can come back here to check on things every day.”

“I really don’t like dragging you into this mess. I got myself into it and I should be able to get myself out of it,” Laura reluctantly admitted

“Don’t think of it like that.” James rose from his chair but kept his distance. “If you had accidentally fallen into quicksand, would you turn down help?”

“Well, no.” Now she felt stupid for her objections, but she still glared at him as she gave up. “All right. I guess I can survive staying with you for a bit.”

Reluctantly, Laura started packing her belongings,focusing on the task at hand. She glanced at James, noticing how he walked around the duplex, his gaze assessing the risks in their surroundings. After locking all the windows and doors, they left for the condo.

The drive over was challenging, as was dinner that night. The silence between them, which had always been so comfortable, was now a wall wrapped in razor-wire. Laura fidgeted. James stewed.

The palpable tension between them created an unsettling energy, as if the room itself held its breath, awaiting a breakthrough.

Tears close to the surface, Laura longed to break down the invisible wall between them, but she was incapable, too engrossed in her emotions. She bit her lip.I built this wall.

“Do you think the Royals have a chance this season?” Laura asked, just to break the silence.

James shot her a quizzical look. “Since when are you a baseball fan?”

Laura shrugged. “Just trying to make conversation,” she remarked and pushed around the food left on her plate.

After more futile attempts at casual conversation, they gave up and James showed Laura to the spare room.