Page 46 of James

“Yes, about that,” Mrs. Shepherd said in a musing tone, looking at Dan.

“It’s not going to be Mrs. Shepherd much longer,” Dan said and took her slender, work-chapped hand in his.

For a moment, there was silence, but then the table erupted with happy noise. Chris and James offered congratulations while the sisters took turns embracing their father and his smirking bride-to-be. Once the kids caught on, even they had things to say.

“Are you really getting married?” Tim asked his grandfather.

“Yes, I am,” Dan replied solemnly. “How do you feel about that?”

Tim studied Mrs. Shepherd, who studied him back with an arched brow. “Can you bake cookies?” he asked at last. “Grandma used to say she was going to teach Abby to bake cookies.”

“I can honor that promise for her,” Mrs. Shepherd replied. “And what can I teach you, young sir?”

“What do you know?” Tim asked dubiously.

“I can shoot a rifle and spit fifteen feet.”

Tim looked impressed.

“So when’s the big day?” Suzie asked loudly.

“Haven’t set it yet, but I’ve always wanted to be a June bride.”

“Are you going to have lots of kids?” Abby wanted to know.

“We’re going to try lots of times,” Mrs. Shepherdreplied with a straight face. “We may have to settle for a puppy. What do you think about that?”

So the kids talked about puppies while the grown-ups talked about weddings. Suzie peppered Mrs. Shepherd with questions, mostly to hide from Chris, who flirted with her shamelessly whenever their eyes met. Dan had a surprising store of electrical knowledge from his old job building radios, and he and James talked shop for quite a while. Dan even volunteered to teach some of the apprentices about basic wiring

James watched his sub carefully. She was quiet, but he could read her well enough. She was clearly happy, surrounded by her family and especially the children. How callous of her ex to withhold children from her. They were rather old, but maybe they should discuss the subject of having a child of their own, or possibly adopting a child in need.

His thoughts came to a screeching halt –Damn, I’m in deeper than I thought.

Laura’s father was a lot different than she had described him. This man was happy and engaged, not depressed. Had he just been lonely?

The time flew by as everyone talked, laughed, and ate. Before they went home with full bellies and happy smiles on their faces, Suzie had invited Chris and James for Christmas dinner.

“I wish I could, but I’ll be with my parents that day,” Chris said, eyes twinkling with mischief. “But James doesn’t have any plans. Do you, James?”

Plans to kick your scheming ass!

“I’d love to,” James accepted.


Next Thursday, James and Laura went for their weekly run. After they slowed to a walk, James checked at the run app on his phone. “Congratulations, you’ve finished three miles in a little under thirty minutes.” He smiled brightly at her.

Laura’s eyes widened in surprise as she blurted out, “Wait, what, really? That’s great!”

“It is,” he agreed. “In just over a month, you’ve transformed from someone who didn’t run at all to someone who can effortlessly complete three miles in under half an hour. Your progress is remarkable, and I couldn’t be prouder of you.”

Laura blushed and bowed her head in an unconscious submissive gesture. “Thank you, Sir. I couldn’t have done it without you. I’m amazed I’ve made such progress in so little time.”

Fuck, she’s beautiful.He needed to keep his head in the game. “Speaking of which.” James cleared his throat. “Our original agreement was one month. What do you think? Do you want to keep going or change anything?”

Laura halted in her tracks. “Do you want to stop?”

James mirrored her actions. With a tender gesture, he cradled her head gently in his hands, creating a comforting cocoon of support and understanding. “Honey, I don’t want to, but the time limit was for you. Do you like the lifestyle? Do you like being my submissive?”