Page 38 of James

Suzie tipped her head back and stared at the ceiling, but then nodded. “I think you’re right. But because of that, you think you’re submissive? I mean, we all feel like that from time to time… don’t we?”

“All I know is, I feel like that all the time. And James can help. I have to experience more to know for sure, but yes, I think I’m submissive.” She took her sister’s hand and squeezed it, smiling. “But more than that, Iwantto be.”


“How are the renovations at the church going?” Laura took a sip of lemon water after they had finished eating the following Wednesday and gave James an expectant look over the rim of her glass.

After their date on Friday, they both had been busy during the weekend. Other than an extended talk on the phone on Monday and several texts between them, there hadn’t been any contact and she missed him. Wasn’t that strange? They had spent so little time together and somehow, she wanted to be with him, in his space and in his life. It was nice to have someone to talk to about their job and their day.

“It’s going well, thank you.” He inclined his head. “Our newest apprentice, Tom, is really becoming an asset. He’s worked his ass off on this project.”

Laura smiled and nodded along as he talked. She liked listening to James as he explained about his protégées and his work. His passion shone through his words. She admired this kind of dedication.

“How was your work today?” he asked her in return. “Still struggling with that website?”

She sighed. “Yes, I wish they would let us build the damn thing over. There have been so many mistakes with the architecture and design, there are virtually no tests and the frameworks used are old and have too many security issues. Every change is a nightmare.”

James held up his hand. “The only software I know anything about is the program Chris and I use for bookkeeping. Can you chop that information up into small pieces, please?”

Laura thought about her answer for a moment and tried to explain. “I know you renovate houses. But sometimes houses are demolished, right? Well, if you compare this website with a house, there would be a number of things wrong with it. For starters, it’s been built without a blueprint, what we call architecture and design, which left it with considerable flaws – like the toilet sitting in the middle of the living room, or having a bedroom between the kitchen and dining room”

He winced and chuckled. “I see what you mean.”

“A lot of software that’s been developed does standard stuff, like store information in a database, display information on a website, or interact with users. We don’t build code from scratch for everything. That wouldn’t make sense. If you’re building a house, you don’t get clay and fire bricks, chop down the tree and plane out boards, or… or do whatever you do to get sheetrock. You buy the materials you need and put them where you need them. In software development, we have frameworks that take care of the most common things and we only custom-code in special circumstances.”

“You build the kitchen and custom-order the cabinets,” James said with a nod.

“Exactly.” She smiled, pleased her explanation made sense to him, then sobered. “Finally, their security is in desperate need of updating. Cybercrime is a big issue and is getting bigger every day. By using old frameworks and old code you make yourself vulnerable to cyber-attacks. It’s like locking the front door, but your backdoor is made of cardboard and has a really cheap lock. Hackers share information about known errors in software, so we have to be vigilant to stay ahead of them.”

“Okay, that makes sense to me. Why isn’t your company willing to let you build a new website. Is it about the money?” James inquired.

“Partly, which is a joke, because sooner or later it’s guaranteed to come back and bite them in the ass. On the other hand, it is difficult for them to get enough competent employees. There are simply not enough skilled and trained developers to get all the work done,” Laura explained. “Not for the wages they want to pay.”

“I recognize the problem. I can get enough people to work for me. But finding motivated and skilled people is a lot harder. That’s why we started the apprentice program,” James replied. He rose to collect the dishes and she joined him in the kitchen, where they packed the dishwasher and put the coffeemaker to work.

After they settled in the living room with their mugs James broached the topic of BDSM. “Have you given your feelings about domination and submission more thought?”

“As a matter of fact, I have,” Laura replied. “To be honest, I had a bit of a falling-out about it with my sister, Suzie.”

At his alarmed expression, she held up her hands reassuringly.

“Don’t worry, we’re okay now. I’ve explained a bit and I’ve lent her some books. She’s keeping an open mind.” Laura fell silent and looked down at her fidgeting hands. “I liked what we did together. It’s obvious I’m submissive in the bedroom and maybe outside, too. I don’t know how much power exchange I’d like or how much control you want.”

James took her restless hands in his and squeezed comfortingly. “Brave girl. If I understand you correctly, you’d like to submit in the bedroom or wherever we have sex.”

Laura smiled and some of the tension left her face and shoulders.

James continued, “As I’ve told you before, I want to be able to take care of you in more ways than only during sex and play scenes. From what you’re saying, I understand you want to find out how much more you would like, too.”

At his expectant look, Laura decided to bite the bullet. “I think I would like for you to take some control over me in daily life. I’m also scared it will interfere with my professional life and the time I spend with my family.”

James acknowledged her words. “Valid concerns. I don’t intend to take over your life and I won’t isolate you – although I’d love to spend as much time with you as possible. Is there something in your life you want to change and can’t seem to do?”

“Yes, exercise. I’ve learned to change my eating habits withmy group, but I want to exercise and I don't. Sometimes it’s because I had to work late, or it’s raining, or I’m tired. I have plenty of reasons.”

James laughed. “Sounds more like excuses to me.”

“You’re right.” She took a sip from her coffee, enjoying the scent as much as the taste. “I want to do it and I know it’s good for me, but I’m lazy sometimes. I don’t know. It’s confusing.”