Liberated by his command, she propelled herself into oblivion, her body consumed by a sense of liberation and exhilaration. With each passing moment, she soared further into the boundless expanse, leaving behind the familiar and venturing into the unknown. As she spasmed around him, he drove in deep one last time and followed her into the uncharted realm where the constraints of reality faded away, allowing their spirits to soar into the limitless abyss.
James took off the condom and knotted it. He pulled off the cuffs, massaging circulation back into her arms and hands. His woman marked easily; he made a mental note to use his soft leather padded cuffs the next time instead of Velcro. Finally, he removed the butt plug, extracting another moan from her and he smiled.
Wandering into the bathroom, he discarded the condom and cleaned the plug. He then returned with a warm washcloth and towel to clean her up. As he climbed back into the bed, he cuddled her close and pulled the comforter over them.
A warmth spread through his chest, expanding with an indescribable lightness that uplifted his spirits. Every fiber of his being resonated with a profound sense of contentment and fulfillment. It was as if all themissing pieces had fallen into place, creating a beautiful mosaic of sensuality, joy, and peace.
He’d enjoyed sex before. Heck, like most guys, he liked sex and thought about it a lot. In his younger years his focus had been on getting off. Sure, he’d taken care of the woman he was with, but as he became older, his body needed more time to recover and couldn’t keep up with his mind.
Lately, his needs changed, and random hookups with subs in the club didn’t hold much appeal anymore. He had grown more interested in the total experience – the scene, the connection and having a woman at his mercy. With Laura, it was somehow more exhilarating. In her presence, an invisible thread seemed to weave between them, binding their souls in a profound connection. With every word exchanged and every glance shared, he could feel the depth of their bond intensifying. She was his – his sub, his lover, his woman. Now all he needed to do was to convince her, he thought wryly, as he looked down on her sleeping form.
The next morning, Laura woke up in a strange bedroom to a half-empty bed. Then she remembered – James, their conversation, her choice, and the sex. A sense of pure delight permeated her entire being as she reflected on their time together. The memories played like a film in her mind, each frame filled with vibrant moments of joy, pleasure, and genuine connection. In every way, the experience surpassed her expectations.
She stretched slowly, taking stock of the small aches in her body. Her asshole was tender, her clit still felt swollen, and her arms and shoulders hurt from being held into place. It wasn’t too bad, given she hadn’t had sex in years and last night had been a marathon. Damn, the man had a devious imagination, and stamina, too.
As Laura spotted her clothes on the chair in the corner, she remembered her safety call and sent out a short message to Julie, saying she was all right and last night had been wonderful. She dressed quickly, opting to go shoeless rather than navigate a strange house in those insane high heels Suzie insisted she wear. On bare feet,she padded to the big mahogany door and stepped into the hallway.
As if on cue, James appeared from the kitchen. “Oh good, you’re awake. I have breakfast ready.”
She went to him as if pulled on some invisible cable. As his arms enveloped her, a surge of anticipation coursed through Laura's veins, setting her senses ablaze. She surrendered to the moment. His lips met hers in a passionate kiss. A whirlwind of emotions stirred within her, desire and tenderness intertwined in a dance that sent shivers down her spine. In his arms, she lost herself, the world around them fading away as their connection grew, and she melted on the spot.
When he released her, she followed James on rubber legs into the big open space containing both a living room and a beautiful kitchen.
She stroked one of the kitchen cupboards reverently. “I haven’t seen anything like these cabinets before.”
He stepped behind her and embraced her while resting his chin on her shoulder. “That’s because this kitchen is custom-made. Chris and I work with a small factory that makes bespoke cabinetry. Not only is their work better quality than the standard products, but they also employ people with disabilities and other disadvantages. You have to be patient if you order something, but if you’re willing to wait a little, they deliver extraordinary stuff.”
Laura turned in his embrace. “Can I have a look around?”
He pecked her on the lips and replied, “How about I give you the grand tour after you’ve eaten your breakfast?”
She agreed with a smile.
Together they sat down at the breakfast nook in the corner of the kitchen. He had prepared a healthy vegetarian meal of an omelet with mushrooms, toast, and fruit salad. “Would you like coffee or do you prefer tea?” he asked.
Laura chuckled. “Black coffee, please. I only drink tea when I’m ill or I can’t sleep. I’m a coffee addict, like about ninety percent of programmers. One of my co-workers has a shirt that says ‘Programmer: organism that turns coffee into code.’”
James roared with laughter and filled her mug with coffee.
Although the breakfast was tasty, Laura’s eyes kept wandering around the living space and James grabbed her head between his hands. “I know that you’re eager to see the condo, but I need to know you’re well fed. You’ve barely touched your food.”
“I’m sorry, you’re right. The food is delicious by the way.” To divert herself, she asked, “Where did you get the fruit salad?”
He kissed the top of her nose and answered, “I made it myself. I’m not a big fan of prepared foods. For now, I want you to eat at least half of what’s on your plate. When we’re done, I’ll show you the rest of the place.”
They finished in companionable silence and cleaned off the table.
The condo was stunning. Like the kitchen, every part of the space had been renovated with high quality materials, but with respect for the original building. Laura couldn't get enough of the details. They spent over an hour in the condo, talking, touching, and kissing as James showed Laura the alterations he and Chris had made to the unit. He told her about the bedroom door, which hadcome from a brownstone that had been torn down. It had been covered in eight different layers of paint which needed to be cleaned with a heat gun and sanded off until this beautiful wooden door was revealed. The living room furniture had been repurposed from old theater boxes from an opera house that had been torn down. The ceiling medallion in the dining room had come from an old ghost town saloon called The Nag’s Nicker. Even the light fixtures had their own stories. Laura could only dream of living in such a beautiful place.
She had to leave all too soon – it was Saturday, after all. She had to go home and change before she went to Suzie’s to take the kids on their Saturday outing. James insisted on driving her home so she wouldn’t have to go on the bus in her new dress.
Once she got home, she called Julie to let her know she was home. “I’m sorry I sent a text this morning. I know a safety call should be an actual call, not just a text.”
“That’s okay,” Julie replied. “After seeing you and James together at the munch, I figured everything would be fine.” A pause. “Was it?”
“It was better than fine,” Laura said. “I’ll tell you more about it the next time I see you. I’m running late to pick up my niece and nephew.”