“Girl, you need a new outfit.” The words burst from Suzie like a waterfall, and both sisters bubbled over with laughter.
On Saturday, Suzie picked Laura up with Tim and Abby in the backseat, then drove to their father’s house to drop the kids off. To the sisters’ surprise, he didn’t wait inside in his recliner for them, but came out to greet them with more animation than they’d seen in quite a while. After hugging the kids, he sent them inside, saying there were fresh cookies in the jar, but not to fill up on them because they were having at picnic at the nearby park.
Suzie sent Laura a raised eyebrow that said,Fresh cookies?
Laura sent a raised eyebrow back that said,When did Dad get a cookie jar?
Dan came over to lean in the car window, smiling broadly. “I hope that’s all right. I just got back and showered after my morning run and I’m starving.”
The sisters exchanged another glance, both eyebrows raised.Dad runs?
“Of course it’s all right,” Suzie said. “Something special happening at the park today?”
“Oh no,” said Dan evasively. “Might meet a friendthere. Feed the ducks. Play a little chess while the kids run around.”
“Sounds fun,” said Laura.
“Might even bring my friend back to watch a movie afterwards. You never know. Well, I won’t keep you,” he added, straightening up to give the car a playful slap. “You girls go have fun and I’ll see you later!”
They called their goodbyes and drove away, but almost immediately broke into giggles.
“Us girls,” Suzie marveled. “When was the last time he called us that?”
“Not since my teens. I must be looking particularly young today,” Laura teased, then sang, “People will say I’m in love!”
They drove to the boutique with the radio on, sometimes singing along with the music, feeling very young and a little silly, as was a girl’s prerogative.
“Do you think Dad’s all right?” Suzie asked as the two of them walked from the parking lot over to the shop. “He seemed cheerful enough today, but he’s lost weight.”
“At least he’s getting out. I’m worried about him never leaving the house. He’s always been a bit of a homebody, even when mom was still alive, but the last few years it’s gotten so much worse. He barely moves from that recliner and he never opens the curtains, just sits in the dark and watches TV.”
Suzie shook her head, then shrugged and said, “Well, to be fair, he’s been a little better about that lately. And he’s doing more around the house. He’s actually been working in the garden this year. Well, he’s probably hired a kid to do it, but still, the lawn is mowed and the garden is thriving. Those dahlias are the size of my fist!”
They put the topic on hold when they’d reachedWilma’s. It was a great place to get unique clothing at a reasonable price and they knew Wilma from church. Wilma was from the Netherlands, and she had met her husband, financier Cameron McGruder, when he was there on business.
Wilma always loved to sew and started using her needle and thread to create beautiful clothing as a hobby when they lived in New York. She often used two or three vintage pieces and combined them into new ones. When her husband retired from Wall Street and they moved to his hometown of Kansas City, he rented the space for her boutique at Zona Rosa.
Wilma came scuttling from behind the curtain that kept the workshop from view, tape measure hanging around her neck. “Laura and Suzie, how nice to see you. How have you been lately? Withdechurch still closed anddemultiple services atdefuneral home, I miss seeing so many of my friends. What brings you here?” Clear blue eyes blinked quizzically up at them. Her voice still held more than a hint of her Dutch accent.
As usual when they were shopping, Suzie took the lead– which was fine by Laura. “My sister needs a new outfit. She’s having a first date tomorrow.”
The petite elderly woman clapped her hands in unfeigned delight. “A first date, how exciting! Where are you going?”
The tell-tale warmth rushed into Laura’s cheeks, as she realized how glad she was they would have a vanilla date. What would Wilma say if she told her they were going to a BDSM club?! “We’re having dinner at Swagat.”
Wilma nodded while she raked her eyes over Laura’s body. “It seems to me you’ve lost a lot of weight sincedelast time you were here.”
Laura nodded.
“You’re a size ten now?”
Laura exchanged a dumbfounded look with Suzie while Wilma chuckled.
“It’s my job to know these things, sweetheart.” Wilma paused and tapped her lower lip. “Hold on for a moment, I think I’ve got something!” She rushed into the back.
Both sisters glanced at each other and grinned.