Page 12 of James

James laughed, typical Chris, “Hey loser, that’s more your MO.” He didn’t want Chris to know how close he was to the truth. “No man, I got stuck in the tornado and had to sit it out.”

“Why didn’t you call earlier?” Chris inquired.

“Long story, my friend. I have to go to the hospital tocheck on someone. Let’s meet at the club for dinner and I’ll tell you all about it.” James didn’t have to elaborate on which club he meant. They were both part of Club Indigo, a sanctuary for the kinky population of Kansas City.

“Great, can’t wait,” Chris replied, and they wrapped up the call.

James parked his truck and strode purposefully into the hospital. He found the ER easily, but from then on, things went south fast.

“Are you family?” the blonde behind the counter asked without looking up from her computer.

“No, I’m… I’m a friend. A close friend,” he added with a drop of irony as he thought of her pussy cramping around his fingers while he sucked her delicious clit.

“I’m sorry, sir, but I can’t give out information about our patients to ‘friends,’” the intake nurse told him. “Unless the patient has given permission, I can’t even tell you whether or not they were brought in.”

He gritted his teeth, reigned in his temper, and tried again. “Okay, I understand you can’t give me her information. I get that. Can you at least take my phone number and give it to her?”

The blonde raised a drawn-on eyebrow. “If she was such a good friend that she’d want us to keep you updated, wouldn’t she alreadyhaveyour phone number?”

James threw up his hands in irritation and left. As he slammed himself back into his truck, he thought about what he knew about Laura and how he could find her.


As he wandered into Club Indigo that evening, the seductive sounds ofMea Culpaby Enigma reached his ears. The music was at a moderate volume so he could hear the hum of quiet conversations. He smiled as it was drowned out by the sounds of slapping and moaning. Despite the early hour, there was an active scene happening. He walked on through the corridor and into the main room.

The recessed lighting showed only a few occupants. James scanned the room and spotted Scott and Sonja on stools besides one of the barrels that served as tables. Apparently, Scott was wearing his Top hat today.

James, a sexual dominant through and through, couldn’t understand the appeal of switching, but at the core of the kink community was the idea that you don’t have to understand something to respect it, and he had seen Scott very satisfied after both submitting and topping. He inclined his head in greeting. Another deep moan pulled his gaze to the main play area.

Kate had shackled Peter to the St. Andrew’s Crossand was working him over with a flogger. By the way the guy was moaning and wiggling, she was at the threshold of what he enjoyed.

James grimaced. As a sexual sadist, the Domme wouldn’t be pleased by how little Peter could take. James was quite certain that Kate had been clear about her expectations, so either Peter had underestimated his own tolerance for pain or he had been exaggerating.

If it was the first time, he would know better the next, but if it was the second... before James could finish that thought, he was interrupted by Chris’s arrival. At his friend’s invitation, James settled into one of the comfortable armchairs available at the edge of the play area. James glanced at his watch.

Chris grinned, unrepentant. “Only about twenty minutes late, Daddy.”

James couldn’t suppress his own grin. It was the effect Chris usually had on people. “You know I’m not into age play, but if you want to try, we could always look for someone to change your diapers.”

Chris shuddered at the thought. “No thank you, I prefer to be on Top.” His gaze wandered to the scene before them. “Although that woman could almost convince me otherwise.”

Glancing around, James saw Kate had abandoned her flogger and was buckling a harness around Peter’s protruding belly. He couldn’t see what was attached to it, but knowing Kate, it was probably a cock cage. Next Kate picked up a feather and James settled back in his chair. They were in for a show now.

Kate positioned herself besides the man. She leaned into the quivering sub and placed her slender hand on histhroat. She whispered something in his ear and Peter shook his head frantically.

Laughing, the stunning redhead stepped away and circled around the bound and naked man, teasing him with the feather. He shook and moaned even louder than before. Kate pressed into his body from behind and her hand went between Peter’s legs. Although obscured from view, the telltale squeal from Peter gave James a pretty good idea of where her hand was and what she was doing.

“Damn, those submissive males certainly are brave, putting their pride and joy on display. Sounds like she has his balls in a death grip,” Chris muttered.

James grinned as he answered, “Having second thoughts about it, are you?”

Before Chris could either confirm or deny that notion, Peter climaxed on a loud shout and Captain Connor stepped into view to help Kate with untying the heavy man, who was now sagging against the cross.

While it had been a nice show and Peter had obviously enjoyed himself, James could tell by the tense look on Kate’s face that she wasn’t happy.No, those two aren’t a good match.

Chris slapped him on the shoulder. “Let’s eat and you can tell me all about last night.”

“If I understand correctly, you spent the night with a stunning brunette who turned out to be submissive and then you managed to lose her?” Chris asked before he took a big bite of his pulled pork sandwich.