Page 78 of James

The light conversation might barely scratch the surface of the deeper emotions lingering between them, but he relished those stolen moments, cherishing the way her laughter brought a spark to his soul, if only for a fleeting moment.

When the walls of the hotel suite seemed to close in on James,he gazed out the window, the distant city lights a reminder of the world he longed to rejoin. He wanted to be out there, taking action, instead of being confined within these stifling walls.

His favorite moments were when Laura would share updates about Tim and Abby, relishing in the excitement and enthusiasm that poured through the phone during her conversations with Suzie.

He liked to observe her as she spoke on the phone, her voice filled with concern and reassurance for her family.

James's body felt like a caged animal, his muscles yearning for movement and exertion. The confinement of the hotel suite suffocated him, its walls closing in on him with each passing day. Restlessness consumed him, his spirit craving the freedom that came with his usual active lifestyle.

His hands, accustomed to the roughness of tools and the labor of construction, itched for activity. He longed to feel the weight of timber in his palms, to swing a hammer with purpose, and to witness the tangible progress of his work. The confinement denied him the satisfaction of physical labor, leaving him feeling trapped and stifled.

As his days stretched on, the energy within James crackled, seeking an outlet. He paced the limited space of the living area, his steps purposeful yet confined. The tightness in his chest mirrored the constriction of the walls around him, a constant reminder of the freedom he yearned for.

His muscles, once accustomed to the strain and exertion of his labor, now coiled with pent-up energy. The longing for movement surged through his veins, urging him to break free from the confines of the hotel suite. The desire to be in the open air, the smell of fresh sawdust andthe satisfaction of a hard day's work, grew stronger with each passing hour.

It was frustrating to have Laura so close, but constantly chaperoned. They couldn’t have a private conversation, much less an intimate moment. Even the glances they exchanged felt awkward with witnesses. He had to remind himself daily that it was all temporary, but it was beginning to feel like it might never end.


James's restless energy simmered beneath the surface, a fire waiting to be unleashed. As he paced the hotel suite, he found himself seeking solace in the company of one of the other men, Bill. Their conversation often veered towards the topic of physical labor.

“You know, Bill,” James began, his leg bouncing in restless energy, “I miss the feeling of working with my hands, of being out there on the construction site. There's something about the sweat on your brow, the strain in your muscles, that makes you feel alive.”

Bill nodded understandingly. “I get it, James. There's a sense of satisfaction that comes with a hard day's work, with seeing tangible progress and knowing you've contributed to something real. It’s the same sense I get when we catch the perp or close a case.”

“It's not just about the physical exertion.” James let out a sigh that was a mixture of hope and sadness. “It's the freedom that comes with it, the open air, the smell of sawdust, the sound of hammers and drills. It's an escapefrom these four walls, a chance to let my mind wander while my body moves.”

Bill leaned back, his expression thoughtful.

James continued, "I just hope this confinement ends soon. I can't wait to get back to the work that fuels my spirit, to feel the strain in my muscles and the satisfaction of a job well done.”

Bill nodded along. “I might have a solution to help ease your restlessness.” A smile broke through on his rugged face. “I spoke to the hotel manager, and he's agreed to open the gym an hour before its official opening time."

“That's fantastic!” James slapped Bill on the back. “I can't thank you enough. Having that hour to work out will make a world of difference for me.”

Bill grinned. “Consider it done, my friend. I know how important physical activity is for you, and I'm glad I could help make it happen. Just make sure you take one of us with you, just in case.”

“Oh. Yeah,” James sighed. “Fantastic.”

Bill winced good-naturedly. “I know. Believe me, I understand, but better safe than sorry.”

On their fifth day at the hotel, Laura mustered the courage to ask if she could join James for his workouts. She confessed that she missed running with him. The longing to run alongside him once again surged within her.

His face lit up with delight, and his voice overflowed with enthusiasm. “Of course you can, honey,” he replied. “Itwill probably be easier for Blackburn and Forest if we’re both in the same place, anyway.”

Humor bubbled up inside her, as she responded, “I hope they agree with you on that. I’ve heard them grumble about having to go down to the workout center with you in the first place.”

She quickly changed into her workout clothes and together with Det. Forest they went to the hotel basement.

As they entered the fitness center, she noticed that the room was surprisingly spacious and eerily silent, emphasizing their strange situation. She glanced at James, who walked over to a rowing machine, ready for his warm-up.

The detective leaned against the wall next to the elevator and crossed his arms, watching them with a look of boredom on his face.

Laura stared at James.How can someone be bored when faced with that?Forcing herself to get into gear, she focused on the possibilities the gym offered. Her footsteps echoed on the polished floor as she made her way toward a nearby treadmill.

Laura stepped on the machine, adjusting the settings to match her desired pace. In the mirrored wall she had a clear view of herself and James as he rowed. The rhythmic movement of his body mesmerized her in its fluidity. The sweat already darkening his plain grey t-shirt accentuated the contours of his muscular frame, rippling with the heave and pull of his movements. The way his hands clenched on the grips raised memories of their rope play, and the phantom sensation of his work-chapped palms caressing her as she lay bound and open beneath him.

Shaking her head to clear it, Laura turned the treadmill speed up. She had some things to work out, all right.