For a holiday like New Year’s Eve, most people tended to dress up, but in more vanilla styles. To please James, Laura was wearing the high heels she’d bought for their first night out several months ago. She knew how much he liked her in them. Under the form fitting black dress, she was wearing a new lingerie set. Flaming red lace with black trim and embroidery. She hoped James would like it.
James picked her up right on time and they drove to the club situated on the outskirts of the city. James parked in a small lot beside a non-descript building. After he had helped her out of the truck, they walked to the door.
Laura asked about the camera above the front door.
“It’s a safety precaution,” James replied. “We want to know who we let inside. Indigo is a private club. This limits how many city ordinances and state laws we have to worry about. We’re just a group of friends hanging out and having fun.”
The entry hall had a desk with a familiar receptionist. “Hi Mitch,” Laura greeted him. “Are you standing guard?”
Mitch chuckled. “Not exactly. Someone has to take door duty from eight to midnight to check members in. Us senior members take it in shifts so everybody gets a chance to enjoy the club.”
“What happens at midnight?” Laura asked warily.
“I turn back into a pumpkin,” Mitch joked and shook his head. “The doors are locked to new-comers, that’s all. You can leave anytime, of course, but you can’t get back in. We wrap things up at 3 am and the cleanup crew makes sure everything is in order for next time. We all help out; there are different things you can volunteer to do. This way, we keep the club private and affordable.”
“Makes sense.”
Mitch pulled out a stack of papers. “Since it’s your first time at the club, let me explain the rules and give you time to go over the paperwork. You can join provisionally tonight since you came with a member, otherwise there’s a screening process. I’ll need a copy of your ID so we can run a criminal background check.”
Mitch gave her a rundown of the rules. It was pretty much what Laura expected after the things James had explained to her. Cameras and phones were not allowed beyond the locker rooms; food and drinks were included in the fees; no drugs allowed and only moderate alcohol consumption; the club’s safeword was ‘red’; Dungeon Monitors had the last say and were recognizable by their vests; condoms were mandatory; clean the equipment before and after use; respect boundaries and never interfere with scenes. It all sounded reasonable and reassuring to Laura.
After Laura had studied and signed the papers, whichpretty much contained the same information, a waiver of responsibility in case of injury, a clean bill of health statement and a non-disclosure agreement, James paid the night’s fees and Laura paid for her membership.
They went through the next door into a hallway. On the left, was a door James indicated was the dining area. He guided Laura a bit further into the hallway and opened a door on the right. “Locker rooms,” he told her, “with toilets and showers.”
“It’s just like a gym,” Laura remarked.
James laughed. “Sort of, but the workout equipment is a little different.”
After they put away their phones and coats, they walked into the main room. There was a large open space, which served as a dance floor.Black Hole Sunby Break of Reality played at a pleasant volume. People lounged at the bar in one corner and there was plenty of seating around the perimeter for people to get away from the music and talk. It looked almost mundane– if she ignored the St. Andrew’s cross on one wall and a scaffold like a spider web on another.
Laura did a double take as a fully clothed, gorgeous African-American man with a neatly trimmed beard strode by holding a leash attached to the penis of a completely naked older Caucasian man. With wide eyes, she stared at the cock ring. The guy was literally leading him around by his dick. She turned stunned eyes to James.
He chuckled. “Oh how I love the expression on your face. You’re still so sweet and innocent.” He gestured and both men came over. “Hi, Henry, high protocol tonight?”
‘Henry’ grinned as the naked man knelt beside him. “Yeah, Lincoln’s been mouthy lately. I thought I shouldstart the New Year by reminding him of his place.” He bent to his partner and grabbed him by the hairs at the back of his head. “Let’s see if this slave can contain his urges and earn his place.”
The kneeling man said nothing, but his eyes were calm and contented.
“Planning on going steady?” James inquired.
“Considering it.” Henry answered. “You seem pretty steady, too. Haven’t seen you in a while.”
James said, “We’ve been doing our playing at home until tonight. By the way, have you met Laura?”
“No, I haven’t had the pleasure.”
“Laura, this is Henry and his slave, Lincoln. High protocol means Lincoln isn’t allowed to speak or wear clothes.”
The good-looking young man nodded politely at Laura. “Nice to meet you. It’s good to see James with a committed partner.”
Laura flinched at the assumption. Why did everyone want them to be more than they were?
Henry continued, oblivious to Laura’s reaction, “It also means Lincoln has to follow me when I walk and kneel when I sit. He’s dependent on me for his every need tonight – from drinks and food to using the bathroom.”
Laura didn’t quite know how to react.
Sensing that, James turned to her. “Do you have questions you want to ask Henry?Youare allowed to speak, you know.”